Copyright (c), H.A. Kooijman, R. Taylor


The About Box

ChemSep is our name for a suite of programs that perform multicomponent separation process calculations.
Design and simulation of multicomponent separation processes such as distillation is an important part of modern chemical engineering. For about three decades now such calculations have been carried out using computer programs that attempt to solve the equations that model distillation operations, the so-called MESH equations. These consist of the Material balance equations, the Equilibrium relations, the ent Halpy balance equations, and the mole fraction Summation equations.

There can be few other mathematical models in any branch of engineering which are so well suited to computer solution and that have prompted the development of so many truly different algorithms. Since the late 1950s, hardly a year has gone by without the publication of at least one (and usually more than one) new algorithm. The evolution of algorithms for solving the MESH equations has been influenced by, among many other things, the availability (or lack) of sufficient computer storage and power. Not so very long ago a distillation column simulation had to be performed on a mainframe or mini computer. However, the remarkable increase in the capabilities of personal computers throughout the 1980s has meant that distillation columns often can be more effectively simulated on such machines.

Our own interest in computer simulation in general and of distillation in particular is due in part to the fact that we find distillation calculations quite fascinating. We are involved with students who need to simulate distillation operations either as part of a course on separation processes or as part of a large scale design project that all students must do in their final year of study. In the past these design studies were performed with simulation systems that were installed on a mainframe computer.

In our view, much of the software capable of solving distillation problems that existed when we were planning ChemSep was not suitable for use in the first undergraduate course that deals with stagewise separation processes. For one thing, the comprehensive flowsheeting packages of the time lacked interfaces that were as easy to use and as flexible as we thought they could be. In addition, very few such programs could be run on the kinds of computers that students might possess. Finally, most such programs were not available at prices low enough for students to acquire their own copy.

With these (and other) thoughts in mind Arno Haket and ourselves began the ChemSep project in February 1988 at the University of Technology in Delft (TU Delft) in The Netherlands. Version 0.92 of ChemSep was first introduced to graduate and undergraduate level students at Delft in September 1988 by Professor Hans Wesselingh of the TU Delft (he moved to the RijksUniversiteit Groningen in The Netherlands). The use of ChemSep by Professor Hans in the courses he taught was of enormous value to us in improving the programs.

As a result of the success enjoyed by the program during those first courses at Delft, we continued to develop ChemSep. A series of improved versions (numbered 1.0 to 1.5) was developed by Arno Haket and Harry Kooijman in Delft and Ross Taylor in Potsdam, New York. This development would have been difficult if it were not for the international computer networks that allowed us to hold intercontinental computerised conversations. Many pages of electronic mail testify to our progress (and lack of progress) over the last few years. We find it interesting to look back on our mail and discover the things that we argued about so long ago in our efforts to make things "just right".

In March 1991 we began writing ChemSep 2.0. This version is a completely new set of programs and data files with many new and improved features. Version 2.0 was first used in courses at the University of Amsterdam and at Clarkson University in Potsdam, New York in September 1991.

Some of the features of ChemSep include:

ChemSep was designed to be easy to use by students with no experience of engineering software while having sufficient flexibility and power to appeal to expert users. In pursuit of these objectives ChemSep features a menu-driven, user-friendly interface with an integrated help system and an autopilot mode that leads the novice user through the data input phase. Expert users, however, are not forced to follow the path taken by the autopilot but can proceed to enter data in any order they wish. ChemSep allows users to assign special functions to certain key combinations and this can be of considerable help in developing a personal, more efficient way of working within ChemSep.

ChemSep 2.0 is the result of too many hours of coding, testing and recoding. It consists of several executable files plus a number of small data files for recording various bits and pieces of information. The driver and interface are written in Borland Pascal (version 7.0) and involve over 50,000 lines of code. The flash and column simulation programs are written in standard Fortran 77. The source code is also over 50,000 lines in length. The code has been developed on mostly PC's with the help of the Multi-Edit programmers editor and WATCOM F77 and F77/386 compilers (versions 10.5). The source code for the column and flash calculations has also been succesfully compiled (unchanged) and executed on a VAX 11/750 and on Sun Workstations. Several of the executable files have been compressed using a public domain utility called LZEXE written by Fabrice Bellard of France. We try to improve the ChemSep software as time permits. We welcome your suggestions for new features and improvements and will try to incorporate as many of your ideas as possible.

Our thanks above all to Professor Hans and to Peter Verheijen who contributed in many ways. Our thanks also to our friends and colleagues at universities in The Netherlands and in the USA who have used earlier versions of ChemSep in their courses or who have tested the program for us. Last, but not least, our thanks to the many students on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean that were forced to use this program or risk failing one of their required courses.

Ross Taylor and Harry Kooijman, 1998

WATCOM F-77 and F-77/386 are products of WATCOM Inc. Borland Pascal is a product of Borland International Inc. Multi-Edit is a product of American Cybernetics.

ChemSep User's Guide

About This User's Guide

This User's Guide attempts to describe how to work with ChemSep. It is organized along the following lines. Separate chapters entitled The Elements of the ChemSep Interface and The Keys to ChemSep present material of a general nature. This material should be prescribed reading for new users of our software. Additional chapters are provided for each of the major items of the Main Menu. The Guide is completed with three examples that are available on the distribution disks. These examples are provided to allow you to take your own guided tour the interface to see the kinds of problems ChemSep can be used to solve.

This User's Guide was initially prepared using Word Perfect 5.1 (Word Perfect Corp.) and is now translated to HTML for viewing "online" in a web browser. Key strokes are printed in italics, F5 for example. Bold Face words are used to indicate key words or phrases. With few exceptions, bold face words represent topics that are described elsewhere in the User's Guide. Bold face words often represent words displayed on screen by the ChemSep interface. The name of our software is printed in bold face and italic!

The authors would like to extend their thanks to Sharon Sweeney for reading this document. Any remaining typographical and grammatical errors are, of course, hers!

ChemSep User's Guide


Chapter 1. Getting Started

If you have installed ChemSep, you are ready to run the program. To begin your ChemSep session, go to the ChemSep directory, type CS at the system prompt and press Enter. The opening screen looks something like this:

The opening screen identifies the name of program in large bright letters that can be seen from a great distance. We made the opening screen look like this so that anyone who can see your computer screen will know exactly what program you are about to run. The screen lets you know our names and which version of ChemSep you are using. Any limits on the size of problem you can solve with this version of the software are displayed here as well.

Now, do what it says at the bottom of the opening screen and press Any key. Don't worry if your keyboard does not have an Any key, just press some other key instead (but not the Shift, Alt or Ctrl keys) to see the following (extremely boring) screen.

In fact, what you see above the line with the ChemSep v3.60 label is ChemSep's Main menu which is fully described in Chapter 4. At the bottom of the screen is the F-key bar listing the uses of some of the F-keys (as many of them are listed here as we could squeeze in). The F-keys, along with other keyboard assignments, are described in Chapter 3.

1.1 Command Line Options

ChemSep may be invoked with a file name on the command line. For example:

cs deprop
typed at the system prompt would cause ChemSep to execute and to display the opening screen shown above. However, when Any key was pressed, ChemSep would immediately load the file DEPROP.SEP. If the file contained a solved problem, ChemSep would immediately jump to the Results menu.

There are two command line switches that ChemSep recognizes. Although none of them is necessary to developing a mastery over the program, you may find them useful on occasion.

/k causes ChemSep to execute a Macro that follows. For example:

      cs deprop /kisf
jumps to the feed spreadsheet after the startup screen has been cleared.

/o causes ChemSep to start with a specific configuration (CNF) file. For example:

      cs /oset2.cnf
causes ChemSep to load its configuration from the file SET2.CNF. Notethatyoumustnotuseanyspaces between the switch and the character string that follows it. In place of the / character used to identify the switch, you may use - or char '134. For example, the following three command lines are all equivalent:

	cs deprop /kisf
	cs deprop -kisf
	cs deprop \kisf
The latter was added to keep unix fans happy.

1.2 Solving Problems with ChemSep

There a several steps to solving a separations problem with ChemSep:

If necessary (it usually will be), we will probably

The point to be emphasized here is that we will repeat this cycle many times in the course of solving just one separations problem. In Chapters 9-11 of this User's Guide you will find illustrative examples of the use of ChemSep to solve real engineering problems. In Chapter 2 you will also find a description of just about all the many menus, lists, spreadsheets, tables, and Graphs that you will encounter using ChemSep.

ChemSep User's Guide

Chapter 2. The Elements of ChemSep's Interface

In common with many software systems, ChemSep's interface consists of Windows, Menus, Lists and Spreadsheets. We will take a look at each of these elements shortly. First, however, we need to know how to move around in the ChemSep interface.

2.1 Navigating in ChemSep

Finding your way around the interface may be done using the keys or with a mouse. Actually, even if you use a mouse, you will still need the keys from time to time. If you have used a mouse with any character based menu-driven interface before, you will know how to use the mouse with ChemSep. If you haven't used a mouse before, you probably don't have one and there is no point in us telling you how to use it here. The most important keys in ChemSep are the arrows (Up, Down, Left, and Right), Enter, Escape, and the Spacebar.

Of these seven keys, probably the most important is Escape. Escape is just what it says, a way to retreat. Escape also is a way to undo any changes to your Input or settings before you make them permanent. If you happen to be typing in some new parameter and realize part way through that you didn't really want to do what you just did, press Escape. As long as you don't press that almost equally important key, Enter, Escape is a way out of data entry mode.

With these seven keys you can go anywhere in the ChemSep interface. Other keys that perform special functions include:

We review these key assignments in Chapter 3 of this User's Guide.

2.2 Menus

ChemSep menus are arranged vertically (with the sole exception of the main menu which is horizontal). This is what the screen looks like with the Input option of the main menu selected.

Each menu item has one of its letters highlighted. Pressing that letter will execute the corresponding option. In the illustration above, pressing I while in the main menu would result in the screen image shown. Also, one option in the menu will be under the cursor. When the cursor is on the option you wish to select, press Enter. The arrow keys, as well as Home and End, move the cursor according to the following rules:

To return to the previous menu press Escape. The Escape key always goes back one level. If you keep pressing Escape you will get back to the main menu. For example, pressing Escape while the screen looks as it does in the last illustration will return you to the main menu. Some menus have a Return option at the end. The specifications menu is an example:

The Return option is part of ChemSep's autopilot that will take you through the next option in a predefined sequence. In many cases, the Return option acts in much the same way as Escape except that the cursor may be located in a different place. In the above screen, for example, Escape would clear the specifications menu and leave the cursor on the specifications option in the input menu. The Return option will also go back to the input menu but the cursor will be located one line down on the solve option because that is the next option in the input sequence. In some submenus the Return option may jump to a different branch of the menu tree. Pressing R (or locating the cursor on Return and pressing Enter) will exercise the Return option.

2.3 Lists

ChemSep lists are similar to menus in that you see a vertically oriented list of items contained in a box. Here is an example of a list. In this case it is a list of components in the ChemSep databank.

There are a few subtle differences between menus and lists that must be explained. Lists may be distinguished from menus by the lack of highlighted letters. Also, it is possible that not all of the list will fit in the window. It should always be obvious if the list cannot be contained in the displayed window because the word More will appear at the bottom right corner and/or in the top right corner of the list box. The following keys are useful in lists:

Actually, the behavior of PgUp and PgDn is not quite so simple. If the list is a long one, these two keys move the list up or down by the number of lines in the list box but leave the cursor where it was. If there are fewer entries in the rest of the list than lines below the cursor in the list box, PgDn will jump to the end of the list and locate the cursor at the bottom of the list box. PgUp behaves in a similar way at the top of the list.

Another way to move through lists is to press a key corresponding to the first characters on the line you wish to locate. For example, if the cursor were located at the top of the list in illustration above, pressing I would cause the cursor to jump to the line Isobutane. You may also type a sequence of characters to locate a specific item from a group of items with similar names. For example, typing i s o would find Isobutane but typing i s o p would find isopentane. To reset the pattern matching procedure use any of the cursor control keys (Up, Down, etc.). Backspace erases the last characters in a search string. Thus, for example, typing i s o b Backspace p would find isobutane followed by isopentane in the list above.

2.4 Spreadsheets

ChemSep makes good use of simple spreadsheets for entering data. Here is an example of the spreadsheet used for entering information concerning the feeds.

feed specfications spreadsheet

This particular spreadsheet serves to illustrate the various features of ChemSep's spreadsheets. Numerical or character data is entered in fields. In the spreadsheet shown above the data entry fields are those in the right hand column. Usually, there will be a label to the left of the data entry field that identifies or explains the entry to its right. Some spreadsheets have more than one column of data entry fields. The feed spreadsheet has a number of columns equal to the number of feeds.

Many ChemSep spreadsheets have action fields in a line at the bottom of the spreadsheet. In this example we may Insert a second feed (this would result in an additional column being inserted in the spreadsheet, Delete the feed we already have (not a good idea here) or Return to the previous screen. To exercise these actions place the cursor on the relevant field and press Enter.

Some of ChemSep's spreadsheet fields require you to press Enter to bring up a list of options from which you must select one. The State field is of this kind.

Many of ChemSep's spreadsheets have semi-active fields. That is, a particular field may not be available in all cases. The three fields adjacent to the labels Pressure, Vapour fraction and Temperature are semi-active fields. Only two of these fields are active at any time, which two depends on the field State.

The following keys are used to move around a spreadsheet:

Some spreadsheets are too large to fit in the available window. If this happens you can use PgUp and PgDn to scroll (part of) the spreadsheet up or down. A spreadsheet that is too large to fit on the screen can be easily identified. The F-key bar at the bottom of the screen is replaced by a line that tells you to use PgUp and PgDn. The F-keys will work as described elsewhere, even when the F-key bar is not displayed.

2.4.1 Entering and Editing Data in Spreadsheets

While using ChemSep you often have to enter a string of characters; the title of a graph, for example, or the numerical value of some quantity in a spreadsheet field. Position the cursor over the field where you wish to type in a new entry (or change an old one). Simply start typing the new value and you immediately enter Edit mode.

It may sometimes be more convenient to change an existing data entry. With the cursor on the relevant field, press Enter to get into Edit mode. An asterisk (*) in a spreadsheet field indicates an Unset parameter. With the cursor on a spreadsheet field displaying a *, press Enter to display the default value and Enter again to accept it.

In addition to the alpha-numeric keys, the following keys can be used in a spreadsheet data entry field:

2.4.2 Formula Entry

ChemSep can process algebraic calculations wherever numerical input is required. This is useful since, if you don't know the actual numerical value that should be entered but you know how to calculate it, you may enter the calculation. Numerical formulae may include the four basic arithmetic operations, +, -, *, and /. Operations may be nested within parentheses () as well. When you have typed in the formula, press Enter to evaluate the result and Enter a second time to accept that result. ChemSep does not remember formula entries, only the final result so you may edit the formula until you press Enter.

Here are some examples of numerical formula entry:

       3                Enter
       5-2              Enter
       (2-1) * (5-2)    Enter
All of these result in the number 3.

Formula entry can be useful in the feed spreadsheet where you are asked to enter the component flows. Perhaps you know the total flow rate and the mole fractions rather than the component flows. Instead of using your calculator to compute the component flows, you can let ChemSep do the calculations for you. By way of an example consider a column with a feed flow of 573 mol/s containing 36.5 mole percent ethanol, the rest being water. The component feed flows of ethanol and water could be typed in as:

       573 * 0.365         Enter
       573 * (1 - 0.365)   Enter

2.4.3 Units Entry

ChemSep data entry fields also accept units. This feature is particularly useful if you know a quantity in some units other than the current set of units. You don't have to change the units (using F5), type in the input quantity in the default unit set, and then use F5 to change the units back again. Simply type in the numerical value of the quantity and follow the number with its units. The number will be displayed in the default units. For example, what if the default flow units are kmol/s but we know the feed flows in lbmol/h? Simply type in the feed flow as, for example,

        375 lbmol/h     Enter
and ChemSep will automatically convert the number to the correct value in the default set of units. You can use this feature in any data entry field in ChemSep. Spaces are ignored when evaluating the expression with units. Any combination of the units listed under Other Units may be used. ChemSep checks the dimensions of the units you enter and displays a warning message if they do not have the correct dimensions.

ChemSep recognizes the standard prefixes for multiples of 10. For example:

is recognized as (mol/s) / 1000.

A numerical formula and a unit string can be entered in the same field at the same time. All results of formula and unit entry are displayed in the default set of units.

2.5 Directory Facility

You will want to use the directory facility of ChemSep when, for example, you want to load, save, view, or edit files. For example, going to the Load option of the File menu and pressing Enter will bring up the following screen:

Notice the prompt box with the invitation to type in the file mask. A default response, *.SEP, is already available. Pressing Enter after the prompt for a file mask or by entering wild cards (* and ?) in the file name prompt box followed by Enter will bring up a directory of all files meeting the desired file specification. For example: Typing L*.sep and pressing Enter will bring up a list of all files with the .SEP extension beginning with the letter L. Entering *.* after the prompt for a file mask will bring up a directory of ALL files in the current directory. If the default response is accepted you will see a screen that looks something like this:

file listing
You may walk around the directory list using the cursor keys and Home, End, Page-up and Page-down. You can also enter other subdirectories on your disk or log on to another drive. The subdirectory and drive names are included at the end of the list of files:

filelisting with
directories and drives %t2h!

Pressing any key with a letter or number will make the cursor jump to the next file or directory whose name begins with that letter. If no match has been found by the end of the list the search begins again from the top of the directory list. When you have the name of the data file you wish to Load, Save, View,or Edit under the cursor, press Enter.

2.6 View Windows

ChemSep can display Results in Tables or in Graphs. Tables are written in a View Window. ChemSep allows you to View text files (as long as they fit into available memory). The contents of a file being viewed are displayed in a View window. Here, for example, is the Streams table for the Depropanizer illustrative example.

streams table in view

Rarely are the entire contents of a Table or file displayed in a single view window. The following keys are useful in a view window:

In a view window the cursor is positioned on an entire line. The cursor line is displayed in a different colour from the rest of the text in the window. If all of the lines of text appear in the same colour it means that the cursor is on an empty line. There are four Two-keys that have a special purpose in a View window:

2.7 Edit Windows

ChemSep allows you to Edit any Tables that are written in a View Window. ChemSep also allows you to Edit text files (as long as they fit into available memory). To edit a Table, you must have the table displayed on the screen. Press Alt-E to Edit the contents of the window. To edit a file use the Edit option of the File menu to bring up a directory list of the file(s) you wish to Edit. In an Edit window the cursor line is displayed in a different colour from the rest of the text in the window. If all of the lines of text appear in the same color it means that the cursor is on an empty line. The cursor itself is a blinking underscore. The following keys may be used to move the cursor in an Edit window:

Characters may be deleted using the following keys:

Other useful keys are:

Press Escape when you have finished editing the contents of the window. Tables in an Edit window cannot be saved in their modified form. You must Print the window (by pressing Ctrl-P) to a file or to a printer if you want to save the contents of the edit window. Files can be saved in their modified form. If you were editing a file when you pressed Escape, you will be asked if you wish to save the file. Press Y to save it (and overwrite the old version). If you press N the file will not be saved and the Edit window will be removed from the screen. Any changes you may have made will be lost.

ChemSep User's Guide

Chapter 3. The Keys to ChemSep

As noted in Chapter 2, the most important keys in ChemSep are Up, Down, Left, Right, Enter, Escape, and the Spacebar. To make life easier for our users we have assigned special functions to the F-keys and a number of Alt-key and Ctrl-key combinations. In addition, it is possible to assign your own functions to the Alt, Shift and Ctrl F-keys. In this chapter of the User's Guide we review the following key assignments:

3.1 The F-keys

The keys, F1 to F10, have special functions assigned to them. Here is a summary:

These keys can be pressed wherever you are within the ChemSep interface. F6 causes the cursor to jump to the Solve options item of the Options menu and is described in detail in that section of this User's Guide. F10 causes the cursor to return to the Main menu and needs no further discussion here or anywhere else. The functions of the remaining F-keys are described in detail below.

3.1.1 F1 and F2 - Help

F1 may be pressed any time you are in the ChemSep interface to display a window containing help messages. The message displayed when F1 is pressed depends on where you are in ChemSep. Almost all menu items have their own help message. Here, for example, is the screen image after F1 is pressed when the cursor is on the Name item of the Select option of the Components menu:

help window

Press Escape to clear any Help message. A second press of F1 while the help window is displayed brings up the index to the Help system.

help index window

The Help system is extensively cross-referenced. Many help messages and the help index contain one or more words printed in inverse video. These are keywords and you may use the arrow keys to place the cursor over one of these keywords. Press Enter to display a new help message that relates to the highlighted keyword.

F2 displays the last help message shown on screen. ChemSep remembers the last 16 help pages shown and repeated pressing of F2 will cause one of the last sixteen help messages to be dislayed in turn.

3.1.2 F3 - Load

F3 jumps directly to the Load option of the File menu and executes it so that the screen looks like this:

loading a file

A prompt box appears below the Load option asking you for the name of the file to load. The prompt box contains the default file mask, *.SEP. SEP is the default extension used by ChemSep for all problem files. Press Enter to bring up a Directory list of all files with the extension SEP.

If you know the name of the file you wish to load, type it in the prompt box. The default file mask will disappear and the file name being typed will appear in its place. When you have typed in the complete name including the file extension, press Enter to load it. If the file has no extension you must end the file name with a period (.). Consult the section on the Directory facility of ChemSep for more information on using directory lists to select the file you wish to load.

3.1.3 F4 - Save

F4 saves the current Input data immediately. F4 can be pressed anywhere in the interface. Pressing F4 will result in the immediate overwriting of your file. If no file name has been given you will be asked to provide one in a prompt box similar to the one shown below:

saving the current file

The only difference between F4 and the Save option of the File menu is that Save always prompts you for a file name (mask). F4 only asks for a file name if no name has been entered. With F4 the prompt box will appear on the screen close to the last location of the cursor. Also, when the file has been saved, the cursor will return to screen location it had prior to the press of F4.

3.1.4 F5 - Units

ChemSep is an engineering program and, therefore, requires units to express numerical results. ChemSep allows you to use a wide variety of units for entering and displaying results. All internal calculations are carried out in SI units but are converted to the units of your choice for display purposes. Units are selected in the Units item of the Options menu. You may also change the default units set by pressing F5 anywhere in Chemsep. In either case, the spreadsheet below is displayed on the screen.

units window

In the left hand column is the name of the quantity whose units you can set. To the right is the currently selected unit. To change a currently selected unit use the cursor control keys to move to the unit you wish to change. Press Enter to display a list of alternative units that ChemSep recognizes. Use the cursor keys (or first letters) and Enter to choose the new unit. All quantities that require this unit will be displayed in the newly selected unit until you change it again. Selected units are saved in ChemSep files so the currently selected units may be changed when you load another file.

Let us illustrate with a specific example. Below is the screen image of the stream summary table for the Depropanizer example discussed in Chapter 9 of this User's Guide. In the original problem statement flows were specified in mol/s, temperatures in Celcius, pressures in bar, and Enthalpy in kJ/kmol.

streams table in view window

To change the Flow Units, press F5 to bring up the Units spreadsheet. Move the cursor to Flow and press Enter. A list of alternative units will appear, from whcih we select lbmol/s. In a similar way change the temperature units to degrees F, the pressure units to psia, and the enthalpy units to Btu/lbmol. Press Escape to clear the Units spreadsheet and display the stream summary in the new set of units. Here is the same stream summary table in the new set of units:

streams table in view window

3.1.5 Unit lists

Below we list the units of all quantities that can be selected with F5. Note that many of these unit lists contain the unit Other. This option covers units not in the lists of recognized units and will be explained later.

3.1.6 Other Units

Several of the unit lists contain the other unit. This option allows you to choose some other unit that is not in the list of alternatives. Select other to be presented with a data entry field where you type in the abbreviation of the unit you wish to use. ChemSep recognises the following units

		Abbreviation   Unit
		kg             kilogram
		m              meter
		s              seconds
		K              Kelvin
		kmol           kilomole
		rad            radian
		N              Newton
		Pa             Pascal
		J              Joule
		W              Watt
		lb             pound
		g              gram
		min            minute
		h              hour
		day            day
		UKgal          UK gallon
		USgal          US gallon
		l              liter
		cal            calorie
		Btu            British Thermal Unit
		in             inch
		"              inch
		ft             feet
		torr           torr
		bar            bar
		barg           bar in gauge
		lbf            pound force
		kgf            kilogram force
		atm            atmosphere
		psia           lbf/square inch
		psig           lbf/sq in gauge
		yd             yard
		ton            ton
		USton          US ton
		oz             ounce
		lbmol          poundmole
		mol            mole
		erg            erg
		dyn            dyne
		P              Poise
		mi             mile
		 F             Fahrenheit
		 C             Celcius
		F              Fahrenheit
		C              Celcius
		R              Rankine
		bbl            barrel
		Ž              dimensionless
		%              percent
		%%             per thousand
		ppm            parts/million
		ppb            parts/billion
Suppose, for example, that you wanted to display molar flows in kmol/day. This unit is not included in the list of molar flow units although kmol and day are recognized by Chemsep. To display molar flows in kmol/day, press F5 to bring up the units spreadsheet. Use the cursor keys and Enter to select Flows. Use the cursor keys and Enter to select other and type kmol/day in the field provided. Press Enter to accept the new unit. Please note that you must type the abbreviation and not the full name and that abbreviations are case sensititive. ChemSep does a dimensional analysis of any unit you type and will not let you use units (or combinations of units) with incorrect dimensions.

3.1.7 Unit Prefixes

ChemSep recognizes the standard prefixes for multiples of 10 and they can be used in Other units. For example: "mm" is interpreted as "m/1000". The complete list of prefixes and their abbeviations recognized by Chemsep is as follows:

		Abbreviation	Full name	Power of 10
		T		Tera		12
		G		Giga		 9
		M		Mega		 6
		k		kilo		 3
		h		hecto		 2
		da		deka		 1
		d		deci		-1
		c		centi		-2
		m		milli		-3
		m		micro		-6
		n		nano		-9
		p		pico	       -12
		f		femto	       -15
All units and their prefixes can be typed in data entry fields as well as selected to be part of the default unit set. See the section on Entering and Editing Data for a discussion of how to use units in data entry fields.

3.1.8 F7 - View

F7 allows you to inspect the contents a file in a View Window. Press F7 to display a prompt box similar to that shown below asking you for the name of the file to view. The prompt box contains the default file mask, *.*.

view file

Press Enter to bring up a Directory list of all files in the current directory. If you know the name of the file you wish to view, type it in the prompt box. The default file mask will disappear and the file name being typed will appear in its place. When you have typed in the complete name including the file extension, press Enter to View it. If the file you wish to view has no extension you must end the file name with a period (.). Consult the section on the Directory facility of ChemSep for more information on using directory lists to select the file you wish to view. Press Escape to clear the view window. The cursor will return to the same location prior to the press of F7.

3.1.9 F8 - Summary

The F8 key can be pressed anytime you are in the ChemSep interface in order to bring up a View window containing a summary of the problem specifications. This is a useful way to determine if the problem has been completely specified as the necessary sections of input data will be empty if incomplete. Here is an example of an empty problem summary. Notice the main sections of this summary include: Components, Operation, Properties, and Specifications. These are also the options of the Input menu.

summary window

The last item in the list are the solve options which are assigned default values. These are set in the option file which was loaded at the start of ChemSep (they are saved for each sep-file though!). Here is an example of a summary screen after the components have been selected. This particular screen image was obtained while setting up the Depropanizer illustrative example from Section 10 of this User's Guide.

summary window

Notice the list of components is shown but the other main entries, Operation, Properties, and Specifications, remain empty. The problem has also been given a name, TEST.SEP, as indicated on the file name line.

All the keys available to a View window may be used in a Summary screen to scroll, Edit, or print the contents of the window. In fact, it is now necessary to scroll this View window in order to see what items remain unspecified. The complete summary can be printed and, at this point in the Input, is reproduced below. Notice the asterisks (*) that indicate an unspecified item. Also, the Condenser and Reboiler items remain unspecified. The complete summary specification for this example is provided in Section 10.

3.1.10 F9 - Information

The F9 key can be pressed anywhere in the ChemSep interface in order to bring up the ChemSep Book which consists of technical documentation of all the models and correlations used in ChemSep. This information is stored in the "chemsep.txt" file and viewed with the file viewer. Use the cursor control keys to scroll the file in the window (see the section on Viewing files for a list of keys) and press Escape to clear the window.

3.2 Alt-Key assignments

As is more or less standard practice in menu-driven software, the various items on the main menu can be accessed by holding down the Alt key and pressing the highlighted letter associated with that item:

Some other special functions have been assigned to Alt-key combinations:

The difference between these last two two-keys is that if you press Alt-S you will be asked to verify the data file name before any existing file is overwritten. If you press Alt-Q, automatic data checking is ignored and the current file name is overwritten immediately. The Alt-keys can be pressed from anywhere within ChemSep.

3.3 Control key assignments

Some special functions have been assigned to Ctrl-key combinations:

The Ctrl-keys can be pressed from anywhere within ChemSep.

3.4 User Defined Keys

One of the most useful features of the ChemSep interface is that you have the power to assign particular tasks to no less than 30 keys. The Alt, Shift and Ctrl -Function keys can be programmed by the user. We consider this feature to be very useful and use it all the time in our own work. To assign one of these key combinations go to the Macros option of the Options menu and press Enter. You will see a spreadsheet that lists all the current user-defined key assignments.

macro's window

Each macro consists of a sequence of highlighted letters, special symbols, and key codes. The letters are the ones highlighted in each menu item. Do not use spaces when entering a new sequence of characters. You may include Escape and Enter, using the special symbols shown below. When you have completed the string press Enter. The new key assignments can be made available every time you run ChemSep by saving the setup in the "Save options" item of the Options menu.

3.4.1 Special Symbols for use in Macros

   @	Enter
   ~	Escape
   #aaa	ASCII character where aaa is the three digit numeric code for
	the ASCII character to be entered (see below for examples)
   $xxx	Turbo Pascal extended key code where xxx is the three digit
	code used to identify certain keys in the Turbo Pascal
	programming language
   !	Execute the macro from the current cursor position.
	Macros that do not begin with this symbol are executed from
	the main menu
   ^1	Help
   ^2	Last help
   ^3	Save file
   ^4	Units menu
   ^5	Solve options
   ^6	View file
   ^7	Units converter
   ^8	Edit file
   ^9	Summary
   ^0	Go to main menu

3.4.2 Turbo Pascal Extended Key Codes

     $071 Home
     $072 Up
     $073 Page Up
     $075 Left
     $077 Right
     $079 End
     $080 Down
     $081 Page Down
     $059 - $068 F1 - F10
     $084 - $093 Shift F1 - Shift F10
     $094 - $103 Ctrl F1 - Ctrl F10
     $104 - $103 Alt F1 - Alt F10
     $016 Alt-Q
     $031 Alt-S
     $045 Alt-X

3.4.3 Examples of Macros

ChemSep User's Guide

Chapter 4. The Main Menu

Let us begin our exploration of ChemSep's interface with a quick look at the Main menu:

chemsep's main menu

The main menu has the following branches:

File: basic file operations including loading, saving, viewing, as well as to exit of ChemSep.

Input: this is where you set up a problem

Results: this is where you look at the results

Options: a menu to give you something to change when you have nothing else to do

In the main menu (and only in the main menu) you can use the left and right arrow keys to move from branch to branch of the main menu. You can use the left and right arrows even when the submenus are hanging down from the main branch. With the screen as shown above (just after you started ChemSep), Press Enter and use Left and Right to look at each of these branches.

4.1 The File Menu

If you press Enter with the cursor on File, the screen will look like this:

file menu

The file menu contains the following items:

Load: loads a ChemSep problem file from disk.

New: resets any Input to default values and clears all Results.

Save: saves current data in a file on disk.

Directory: allows you to change to a new directory.

View: this option allows you to examine the contents of files,

Edit: whereas this option allows you to change the contents of files.

Copy: this option is for copying files (one at a time).

Rename: If you don't like the name of a file, call it something else,

Erase: and if you really don't like the file at all, get rid of it.

DOS shell: This option gives you access to the operating system so that you can execute a command that ChemSep does not allow. However, don't use this as to end your ChemSep session.

Exit: to quit ChemSep.

Each of these items is described in detail in Chapter 5.

4.2 The Input Menu

The Input menu is the first branch of a long and complicated menu tree. If you go to the input option of the main menu and press Enter, the screen may look like this:

input menu

The first four items of the Input menu are concerned with entering data:

Components: where components are selected

Operation: where the column configuration is specified

Properties: where the thermodynamic models are chosen

Specifications: where everything not already entered is specified

There are two more item in the Input menu:

Solve: executes the simulation and, hopefully, solves your problem

ChemProp: runs the ChemProp program with the current component selection

The first four items in the Input menu are the start of a complicated menu tree and the way the tree grows depends on how you walk through it. We shall take a longer look at the Input menu after we complete our look at the Main menu (Chapter 6).

4.3 The Results Menu

The Results menu allows you to inspect the results of a simulation. If you have simulated a Column, the Results menu looks like this:

column results menu

The three items are:

Graphs: column simulation results can be displayed in graphical form

Tables: or in tabular form

Spreadsheet: or, if you don't like our ways of looking at the results, you can print a file to be imported into your favorite spreadsheet program

These items are discussed in more detail in Chapter 7. If you have solved a Flash problem, the Results menu looks like this:

flash results menu

In this case the Results menu is a list of the kinds of Tables that ChemSep can display for flash problems.

4.4 The Options Menu

If you go to the Options item of the main menu and press Enter, the screen may look like this:

options menu

The items in this branch of the main menu are:

Solve options: this item gives you some control over the simulation programs ( F6 jumps here)

Units: engineering problems require units. This is where you change them (see F5)

Macros: here you can assign special duties to 30 two-key combinations

Interface: this option leads to a spreadsheet where you can specify the default settings for text printing, graphical displays, and numerical formatting

Directories: where you tell ChemSep where to look for its data files

Video device: this item allows you to choose the video device driver you want to use

Output device: here you let ChemSep know what kind of printer you have

Save options: save all of the above options so that ChemSep can use them again

Load options: you can have more than one options file. Use this option to pick and load the settings you want.

The Options menu is the subject of Chapter 8.

ChemSep User's Guide

Chapter 5. The File Menu

If you press Enter with the cursor on File, the screen will look like this:

the file menu

The File menu can be reached from anywhere in ChemSep using either F10, F or with

<> .

<> The File menu contains the following items:

Load: loads a ChemSep problem file from disk.

New: resets any Input to default values and clears all Results.

Save: saves current data in a file on disk.

Directory: allows you to change to a new directory.

View: view the contents of files,

Edit: allows you to change the contents of files.

Copy: this option is for copying files (one at a time).

Rename: If you don't like the name of a file, call it something else,

Erase: and if you really don't like the file at all, get rid of it.

DOS shell: this option gives you access to the operating system so that you can execute a command not available in ChemSep. However, don't use this option to end your ChemSep session.

Exit: this option quits ChemSep after it has prompted you to save the current problem to disk if it wasn't saved yet.

A couple of the file menu options have short cuts assigned to them, such as F3 for load, F4 for save, F7 for view, and Alt-D for the DOS shell. Let us examine these options in more detail.

5.1 Load

The Load option of the File menu allows you to load files created by ChemSep. To exercise the Load option locate the cursor on Load and press Enter. Alternatively, you can press L. The screen will look something like this:

load file

A prompt box appears below the Load option asking you for the name of the file to load. The prompt box contains the default file mask, *.SEP. SEP is the default extension used by ChemSep for all problem files. Press Enter to bring up a Directory list of all files with the extension SEP.

If you know the name of the file you wish to load, type it in the prompt box. The default file mask will disappear and the file name being typed will appear in its place. When you have typed in the complete name including the file extension, press Enter to Load it. If the file has no extension you must end the file name with a period (.) otherwise the default extenision, .SEP, is appended. Consult Directory facility for more information on using directory lists. F3 jumps directly to the Load option of the File menu from anywhere in the interface (unless defined differently under macro's).

5.2 New

The New option of the File menu resets all Input data to their default values and clears all Results. To exercise the New option locate the cursor on New and press Enter or press N. You will be prompted to name the new problem file:

new file

The prompt box contains the default file name, NewFile. Type in a new file name and press Enter if you don't want to use the default name. All files are given the extension SEP unless you type in a period (.) followed by an alternative extension. If any existing Input had been changed but not saved you will be asked if you wish to save the old Input before the data is reset and the results cleared.

5.3 Save

The Save option of the File menu allows you to save the Input data and computed Results in files created by ChemSep. To exercise the Save option locate the cursor on Save and press Enter (or you can press S). A prompt box appears below the Save option asking you for the name of the file to save.

save file

The prompt box contains the default file mask, *.SEP. SEP is the default extension used by ChemSep for all problem files. Press Enter to bring up a Directory list of all files with the extension SEP. Use the cursor control keys to locate the cursor on the name you wish to use. Press Enter to overwrite the existing file with the new data. You will be asked to confirm that you wish to overwrite an old file.

If you don't wish to overwrite an old file simply type a new name in the prompt box. The default file mask will disappear and the file name being typed will appear in its place. When you have typed in the complete name including the file extension, press Enter to Save it. The file will be given the extension SEP unless you end the file name with a period (.). Consult Directory facility for more information on using directory lists.

F4 can also be used to Save the current Input data in a file. F4 can be pressed anywhere in the interface. Pressing F4 will result in the immediate overwriting of your file. If no file name has been given you will be asked to provide one in a prompt box similar to the one shown above. The only difference is that the prompt box will appear on the screen close to the last location of the cursor. Also, when the file has been saved, the cursor will return to the same location prior to the press of F4.

5.4 Directory

The Directory option of the File menu allows you to change the current active directory. The current directory is where ChemSep looks for and saves files with the SEP extension. A prompt box appears below the Directory option asking you for the name of the new current directory.

The prompt box contains the current directory name terminated by char '134*. Press Enter to bring up a Directory list of directories on your disk. Use the cursor keys to walk around the directory tree on your disk. Press Enter when the cursor is over the name of the directory to which you wish to move. If you know the name of the directory to which you wish to move, type it in the prompt box. The default directory name will disappear and the directory name being typed will appear in its place. When you have typed in the complete name press Enter to change to that directory. Consult Directory facility for more information on using directory lists.

5.5 View

The View option of the File menu allows you to view files on your disk. After selecting the view option a prompt box appears below the View option asking you for the name of the file to view. The prompt box contains the default file mask, *.*. Press Enter to bring up a Directory list of all files in the current directory.

view file

If you know the name of the file you wish to view, type it in the prompt box. The default file mask will disappear and the file name being typed will appear in its place. When you have typed in the complete name including the file extension, press Enter to View it. If the file you wish to view has no extension you must end the file name with a period (.). Consult the section on View Windows for further details of how to move around.

F7 can also be used to View a file. F7 can be pressed anywhere in the interface. Pressing F7 will result in the display of a prompt box similar to the one shown above. The only difference is that the prompt box will appear on the screen close to the last location of the cursor. Also, when the view window has been cleared (by pressing Escape), the cursor will return to the same location prior to the press of F7.

5.6 Edit

The edit option works very similar to the view option. A prompt box asks you for the name of the file to edit. The prompt box contains the default file mask, *.*. Press Enter to bring up a Directory list of all files in the current directory.

edit file

If you know the name of the file you wish to edit, you may type it in the prompt box. The default file mask will disappear and the file name being typed will appear in its place. When you have typed in the complete name including the file extension, press Enter to Edit it. If the file you wish to view has no extension you must end the file name with a period (.). Consult the section on Edit Windows for further details of how to move around in and edit a file displayed in an Edit Window.

5.7 Copy

The Copy option of the File menu allows you to copy a file on your disk. You will be prompted you for the name of the file you wish to copy. The prompt box contains the default extension *.*. Press Enter to bring up a Directory list of all files in the current directory. Use the cursor keys and Enter to select the name of the file you wish to copy.

copy file

If you know the name of the file you wish to copy, type it in the prompt box. The default file mask will disappear and the file name being typed will appear in its place. When you have typed in the complete name including the file extension, press Enter. If the file you wish to copy has no extension you must end the file name with a period (.).

A second prompt box will appear asking you for the name to be given to the copy of the file. Type in the new name and press Enter. You will be asked to confirm that you wish to copy the file. Press Y to agree to this suggestion and initiate the copying process. Press N if you don't want to copy the file. Consult Directory facility for more information on using directory lists.

5.8 Rename

The Rename option of the File menu allows you to give any file on your disk a new name. To Rename a file locate the cursor on Rename and press Enter. Alternatively, you can press R. The screen will look something like this:

rename file

A prompt box appears below the Rename option asking you for the name of the file you wish to rename. The prompt box contains the default extension *.*. Press Enter to bring up a Directory list of all files in the current directory. Use the cursor keys and Enter to select the name of the file you wish to rename. If you know the name of the file you wish to rename, type it in the prompt box. The default file mask will disappear and the file name being typed will appear in its place. When you have typed in the complete name including the file extension, press Enter. If the file you wish to rename has no extension you must end the file name with a period (.).

A second prompt box will appear asking you for the new name to be given to the file. Type in the new name and press Enter. You will be asked to confirm that you wish to give the selected file a new name. Press Y to agree to this suggestion and rename the file. Press N if you don't want to give the file a new name. Consult Directory facility for more information on using directory lists.

5.9 Erase

The Erase option of the File menu allows you to erase any file on your disk. You are prompted for the file to erase:

erase file

The prompt box contains the default extension *.*. Press Enter to bring up a Directory list of all files in the current directory. If you know the name of the file you wish to erase, type it in the prompt box. When you have typed in the complete name including the file extension, press Enter. If the file you wish to delete has no extension you must end the file name with a period (.).

You will be asked to confirm that you wish to erase the selected file. Press Y to agree to this suggestion and rename the file. Press N if you don't want to give the file a new name. Consult Directory facility for more information on using directory lists.

5.10 DOS Shell

The last option of the File menu allows you to shell out to the operating system (in our case DOS). This is particularly useful if you want to execute a DOS command that cannot be executed from the File menu. To shell to DOS, press O or select the DOS Shell option. ChemSep will write the contents of memory to a hidden file on the disk and return you to the DOS prompt. Type "exit" and press Enter to return to ChemSep. You can also make shell to DOS at any point within ChemSep with the Alt-D.

Under no circumstances should you use this option to terminate your ChemSep session. Shelling to DOS leaves a portion of memory tied up with a program that will restore ChemSep when you "exit" the shell. To quit ChemSep use the Exit.

ChemSep User's Guide

Chapter 6. The Input Menu

The Input menu is the first branch of a long and complicated menu tree. If you go to the input option of the main menu and press Enter, the screen may look like this:

the input menu

This menu may be reached from anywhere in the ChemSep interface using either F10, I or Alt-I. The first four items of the input menu are concerned with entering data:

Components: where components are selected

Operation: where the column configuration is specified

Properties: where the thermodynamic models are chosen

Specifications: where everything not already entered is specified

There are two more item in the Input menu:

Solve: executes the simulation and, hopefully, solves your problem

ChemProp: runs the ChemProp program with the current component selection

The first four items in the Input menu are the start of a complicated menu tree and the way the tree grows depends on how you walk through it. This chapter of the User's Guide discusses all of the various menus and spreadsheets associated with Input. Some particular routes through Input are illustrated in Sections 9 to 11.

6.1 Components

To obtain the Components menu, go the Input option of the main menu and press Enter. The following menu will appear:

the input menu

Select Components using the cursor keys and Enter or by pressing the highlighted letter, C. The screen will look like this:

the component selection menu

The box in the upper right hand corner lists the components that have already been selected. If this is a new problem (or if all previously selected components have been deleted) the box contains the word None. The menu lists the actions you can perform.

Select: Add component names to the list of selected components

Delete: Remove component names from the list of selected components

Substitute: Replace one component already on the list with another that is not

Reorder: Interchange the positions of two components in the list

Save set: Save the current list to a file

Load set: Load a list of components from a file

Of course, if no components are listed in the upper right box, the only actions you can perform are Select and Load set. Let us look at how these actions work.

6.1.1 Select

To add components to the list choose the Select option. You will be prompted for the PCD (=Pure Component Data) library name unless you have selected the search all PCD files option under options - interface.

selection of the pcd library

After the accepting the default library (CHEMSEP1.PCD) or when searching for all PCD files (the default setting) a new menu will appear:

the component search menu

The new menu lists the ways in which it is possible to find components in ChemSep's databanks.

Name: lists components by name or part of their name

Index number: lists components whose index number falls in some range

Structure: lists components by structural group (e.g. CH3)

Formula: lists components by (part of) their chemical formula

Class: lists components according to their class (e.g. all alkanes)

Family: lists components according to their family (e.g. n-alkanes)

Property value: lists components with some property value in a specified range

You can use just one of these methods to find all of the components or a combination of selection procedures. You can even use these methods recursively. Use the Search by Name option to see a list of all the components in ChemSep's databanks.

6.1.2 Component Lists

Here is an example of a list of components displayed by ChemSep.

selection of

This is an example of a list that was created using the Search by Class option. All components in the class Alkanes are listed in a window on the screen. Component(s) can be added to the selected list using the cursor control keys to position the cursor on the name of the component you wish to select and pressing Enter. The names of the selected components are displayed in the window on the upper right of the screen. ChemSep will prevent you from loading the same component more than once.

If the list contains more names than can fit on the screen the word "More" appears at the bottom of the list. As you scroll down the list using the cursor control keys, the word More will appear at both the bottom and the top of the list. You will know when you have reached the end of the list because the cursor will not go any further and the word More appears only at the top. As in all ChemSep lists, you can use PgUp, PgDn, Home, End to move more quickly through the list. You may also type a few characters to move directly to the first line with a component name that matches the characters you typed.

By default, ChemSep lists the components in the order they appear in the datafile. To see the list in order of the last criterion selected you must go to the Interface item of the Options menu and turn on Sort lists.

Component lists contain, in addition to component names (and other information depending on the search criteria), two, or possibly three, other lines. The additional lines of the component list are -> Previous Search, -> Begin again, and -> additional search. The purpose of these items is to allow you to refine the list of components if the displayed list is too long to search by hand or does not include the components you want. Press Esc to clear the component list when all components have been loaded.

Previous Search This option only appears if you have done one or more nested searches. If the last search was unhelpful, you may execute Previous Search to go back one level of search.

Begin again This option returns you to the Select or Search by menu so that you may create an entirely new list of components. Any prior list is disregarded so that the new list may include components that were not found by your previous search.

Additional Search This option returns you to the Select or Search by menu so that you may create an entirely new list of components. In this case, however, any new list will be based only on those components that were in the last list. That is, suppose you build a list of all components by searching by name but you did not type anything in the prompt box. The resulting list might well be too long to move through with the cursor keys to find the component you want. Locating the cursor on Additional search will allow you build a second list based on some other (more restrictive) criterion.

To jump to the first of these three items, press Home or the minus (-) key. Here is an example of the use of Additional Search.

example of additional component

First, we used Search by Family to list the components in the databank that are n-Alkanes. After that we used the "additional search" and "search by property" to list those components that have a Normal Boiling Point between 300 and 400 K.

6.1.3 Name

Components can be listed based on their names or any fragment of their names. To exercise this option locate the cursor on Name and press Enter or press the highlighted letter, N. ChemSep will display a prompt box as shown below:

component search by name

Type in the prompt box the name (or any part of the name) of the component(s) you wish to load and press Enter. ChemSep will search its databanks and display a list of all components whose names contain the string you entered in the prompt box. For example, typing eth in the prompt box and pressing Enter will bring up a list containing methane, ethane and ethanol as well as any other components whose name contains the string eth. If you do not type anything at all in the prompt box and press Enter, ChemSep will display a list of the names of all the components in the databank(s).

example of component search by
name on 'eth'

6.1.4 Index

Each component has its own index number within a specific library file. You can display a list of components whose index numbers fall within a range of values you choose. To exercise this option locate the cursor on Index and press Enter or press the highlighted letter, I. ChemSep will display a prompt box. You must enter the minimum and maximum index numbers. The default values are 1 and 10000 respectively. Locate the cursor on Search and press Enter. A list of all components with index numbers between these limits will be shown on the screen. For example, if we enter 10 and 200 as the minimum and maximum index numbers as shown below:

component search by index

and select Search. Notice that the list displays the index numbers to the left of the component names.

6.1.5 Structure

Components can be listed according to their structure. To exercise this option locate the cursor on Structure and press Enter. ChemSep will display a prompt box for the (part of the) structure. Entering, for example, OH in the prompt box and pressing Enter will bring up a list of all components having an OH group in their structure:

example of component search by
structure 'oh'

Notice that the list displays the structural formulae to the right of the component names.

6.1.6 Formula

Components may be listed according to their chemical formula or part of their formula. For example, typing C4 and pressing Enter will result in the display of a list of all components whose molecules contain four carbon atoms. Typing C3H6 and pressing Enter will result in the display of a list of all components whose molecules contain three carbon atoms and six hydrogen atoms.

6.1.7 Class

ChemSep allows you to find components that belong in certain groups or classes. For example, alkanes and alcohols are two of the classes that ChemSep recognizes. Locate the cursor on Class and press Enter to display a list of classes that ChemSep recognizes. These are the classes recognized by ChemSep:

	Halogen compounds
Use the cursor control keys and Enter to select the class of interest. All components in the selected class will be displayed on the screen. For example, selecting Alkanes from the list of classes might result in the following list:

search on alkanes

6.1.8 Family

ChemSep allows you to list components that belong in certain groups or families. ChemSep recognises 56 different families. Water belongs to a family of one. Several families may fall into just one class. n-Alkanes and other alkanes are families in ChemSep both of which fall in the alkanes class. Locate the cursor on Family and press Enter to display a list of families that ChemSep recognizes:

	 1  n-Alkanes
	 2  Methylalkanes
	 3  Cycloalkanes
	 4  Other alkanes
	 5  1-Alkenes
	 6  Other alkenes
	 7  Alkadienes
	 8  Alkynes
	 9  n-Alkylbenzenes
	10  Other alkylbenzenes
	11  Other monoaromatics
	12  Polyaromatics
	13  Miscellaneous hydrocarbon rings
	14  Inorganic gases
	15  Aldehydes
	16  Ketones
	17  n-Alcohols
	18  Other alcohols (phenols)
	19  Aromatic alcohols
	20  Polyols
	21  n-Aliphatic acids
	22  Other aliphatic acids
	23  Aromatic carboxylic acids
	24  Anhydrides
	25  Formates & acetates
	26  Other saturated aliphatic esters
	27  Unsaturated aliphatic esters
	28  Aromatic esters
	29  Ethers
	30  Epoxides and peroxides
	31  Aliphatic chlorides
	32  Aromatic chlorides
	33  C/H/Br compounds
	34  C/H/I compounds
	35  C/H/F compounds
	36  C/H multihalogen compounds
	37  Aliphatic amines
	38  Aromatic amines
	39  Other amines and imines
	40  Nitriles
	41  C/H/NO2 compounds
	42  Other C/H/O/N monofunctional compounds
	43  C/H/S compounds
	44  Polyfunctional C/H/O
	45  Polyfunctional C/H/O/N
	46  Polyfunctional C/H/O/S
	47  Polyfunctional C/H/O/halide
	48  Polyfunctional C/H/N/halide (O)
	49  Organic-Inorganic compounds
	50  Inorganic acids
	51  Inorganic bases
	52  Sodium salts
	53  Other salts
	54  Elements
	55  Inorganic halides
	56  Other inorganics
	57  Water

6.1.9 Property Value

ChemSep even allows you to list components that have some desirable property value. Any of the several tens of pure component data values recorded in the data bank may be used as a basis for selecting components. Even temperature dependant properties can be used. For example, the vapour phase heat capacity at 450 K. If you press Enter with the cursor on the Property option you will see a list of properties that are recorded in the data bank. Select the property you wish to use as a basis for listing components and press Enter.

search components on property

For example, if we select the "vapour pressure" ChemSep displays the following prompt box:

search on normal boiling point

prompting you to specify the minimum and maximum values of the property selected. Move the cursor to the Search keyword and press Enter to begin the search. Property searches may be conducted in any of the units recognized by ChemSep. For properties that are a function of temperature you will also need to provide the temperature at which the property is to be evaluated. The search on components with a vapour pressure between 1.0 and 1.3 bar at 100 C as specified above results in:

search on vapour pressure at 100

A list of properties that can be used in a Search by Property Value follows:

Fundamental Properties
	 1  Critical temperature
	 2  Critical pressure
	 3  Critical volume
	 4  Critical compressibility factor
	 5  Normal boiling point
	 6  Melting temperature
	 7  Triple temperature
	 8  Triple pressure
	 9  Molecular weight
	10  Liquid molar volume
	11  Acentric factor
	12  Radius of gyration
	13  Solubility parameter
	14  Dipole moment
	15  Van der Waals volume
	16  Van der Waals area
	17  IG heat of formation
	18  IG Gibbs energy of formation
	19  IG absolute entropy
	20  Heat of fusion melting point
	21  Heat of vaporization at the normal boiling point
	22  Standard net heat of combustion
Temperature Dependent Properties
	23  Solid density
	24  Liquid density
	25  Vapour pressure
	26  Heat of vaporisation
	27  Solid heat capacity
	28  Liquid heat capacity
	29  Ideal gas heat capacity
	30  Second virial coefficient
	31  Liquid viscosity
	32  Vapour viscosity
	33  Liquid thermal conductivity
	34  Vapour thermal conductivity
	35  Surface tension
	36  Ideal gas heat capacity (Reid et al.)
	37  Heat of formation
	38  Antoine
	39  Liquid viscosity (Reid et al.)
Miscellaneous Properties (not available for all components)
	40  V* (parameter in COSTLD liquid density model)
	41  Lennard Jones diameter
	42  Lennard Jones energy
	43  Rackett parameter
	44  Fuller Schettler Giddings diffusion volume
	45  Surface tension at the normal boiling point
	46  Parachor
	47  Specific gravity
	48  Chung association parameter
	49  SRK Acentric factor
	50  Wilson Volume
	54  Peng-Robinson-Stryjek-Vera (PRSV) EOS k1
	55  PRSV EOS k2
	56  PRSV EOS k3
	57  Chao Seader acentric factor
	58  Chao Seader solubility parameter
	59  Chao Seader liquid volume

6.1.10 Delete

To delete a component from previously selected components, locate the cursor on the Delete option of the Components menu and press Enter. This brings up a list of components that you can delete plus an extra option which will delete all the components.
Use the cursor keys (or first letters) to select one component to be removed from the list. Press Enter to delete that component. You will see a message box asking you to confirm your decision.
You may delete all the components in one step using the All option at the end of the components list.

6.1.11 Substitute

Locate the cursor on the Substitute option of the Components menu and press Enter to bring up a list of components. Use the cursor control keys (or first letters) to select a component you wish to replace with another. Press Enter to bring up the Search menu, where you can use any of the Search methods to find another component to take the place of the selected component. The list in the top right corner of the screen will show that one component name is different.

None of the Input information for the other components is lost by this action. Results, however, while retained until you Solve the problem again, do not pertain to the current set of components and are not Saved in the problem file.

6.1.12 Reorder

Locate the cursor on the Reorder option of the Components menu and press Enter to bring up a list of components under the heading "Swap". Use the cursor keys (or first letters) to select one of the components from the list. Press Enter and you will see the same list of components under the heading Swap with. Use the cursor keys (or first letters) to select another of the components from the list. Press Enter to see the two selected components interchanged in the list in the top right corner of the screen.

Use Reorder as many times as you need until you see the components in the order you like them to remain. None of the Input information for any of the components is lost by this action. Results, however, while retained until you Solve the problem again, do not pertain to the current ordering of components and are not Saved in the problem file.

6.1.13 Save Set

Any set of selected components can be saved in a text file for use on a different occasion. This can save you the trouble of searching the databanks for the components you want. To save a set of components locate the cursor on Save set and press Enter. You will be prompted for the name of the file you wish to use to record the names (and library information) of the components you have selected. Type in the name you wish to use for recording the list of selected components. If you do not use an extension the file will be given the extension .PCS. If you wish to overwrite a PCS file that already exist, press Enter to bring up a Directory list with the names of all files with a PCS extension. Use the cursor control keys and Enter to select the name of the file you wish to overwrite.

6.1.14 Load Set

Any set of components that was saved using the Save set option of the Components menu may be reloaded into ChemSep. This will save the time needed to Search the databanks for the components you wish to use. You may add to and delete components from any list of selected components once they have been loaded. To load a component set locate the cursor on Load set and press Enter. A prompt box will ask you for the name of the file you wish to load: The default file mask is *.PCS. Press Enter to bring up a directory of all files with the .PCS extension. Use the cursor control keys to select the name of the file you wish to load and press Enter to perform the load operation. If you know the name of the file you wish to load, you may type the name in the prompt box. Any wild card characters (* or ?) will bring up a Directory list of all files matching the file mask. Once the components have been loaded, their names will appear in the Components box in the top right hand corner of the screen.

6.1.15 ChemLib

The ChemLib option allows you to switch to the ChemLib program which allows you to check and edit pure component data libraries.

6.2 The Operation Menu

The Operation menu contains up to three items:

operation menu

The menu contains the following items:

Flash Single stage equilibrium calculation

Column Multistage equilibrium operation

Nonequilibrium Column Multistage mass transfer rate based model

Dynamics Column Multistage dynamic column model

The default Operation is Column. This means that if a New problem is being created the cursor will initially be located on Column when the Operation menu is invoked.

6.2.1 The Flash Operation

Locate the cursor on the Flash option, and press Enter to select the flash operation. The only configuration that is necessary for the flash operation is the specification of the number of feeds:

flash feeds

Any flash should have at least one feed in order to calculate anything useful. The maximum number of feeds is 10. After entering the number of feeds for the flash and ChemSep continues to the property model selection.

6.2.2 Column Spreadsheet

With the cursor on Column, press Enter (or press C) to bring up the Column spreadsheet:

column spreadsheet

The nonequilibrium column and dynamic column option also use the column spreadsheet for defining the column configuration. The asterisks (*) indicate the fields that must be completed:

Operation Choose the type of Column from the Operation list.

Condenser Choose the type of Condenser from the Condenser list.

Reboiler Choose the type of Reboiler from the Reboiler list.

Stages Enter the number of stages. A single number is required here.

Feed stages Enter the location of all feeds.

Sidestream stages Enter the location of any and all sidestreams

To choose the Operation, Condenser, and Reboiler types, locate the cursor on the appropriate field indicated by the asterisk and press Enter. The lists of allowable choices will be displayed (see below for details).

Type numbers in the Stages, Feed stages and Sidestream stages fields. The last named is optional and may be left empty if the column has no Sidestreams. Multiple feeds and sidestreams must be separated by a space or by a comma. For example, if a column has two feeds to stages 12 and 25 the Feed stages line of the Operation spreadsheet should look like this:

	Feed Stages        12,25
or like this:

	Feed Stages        12 25
Examples of completed spreadsheets may be found in the Depropanizer and Extractive distillation examples. Pumparounds (only available for complex columns) are also entered here. To handle a liquid pumparound from stage 20 to 10 enter:

        Pumparounds        20>10
where the larger than sign indicates the flow direction. Separate multiple pumparounds by spaces or comma's.

6.2.3 Operation List

Locate the cursor on the Operation field of the Operation spreadsheet and press Enter to bring up the Operation list:

column operations

The cursor keys (Up, Down, Home, End) and Enter may be used to select the operation type. The operation types determine the basic column configuration and the K-models available. A brief summary of each operation type as it is understood by ChemSep is given below:

Simple Distillation A simple distillation column is one that is equipped with a condenser and a reboiler. Only one feed is permitted and there will be two product streams, the distillate and the bottom product.

Extractive Distillation Extractive distillation columns normally involve a column with a condenser, reboiler, and at least two feeds that can enter any stage.

Azeotropic Distillation Azeotropic distillation consists of a column with a condenser, reboiler, and two feeds. One of the feeds is to the top stage of the column. Liquid-liquid separators (i.e. decanters) are not considered in the present version of ChemSep.
Simple Absorber/Stripper A simple absorber or stripper is a sequence of stages with fixed feed and product streams at the top and bottom. Only the number of stages can be varied.

Reboiled Absorber/Stripper A reboiled absorber is an absorber with a reboiler but no condenser. A reboiled stripper is a stripping column with a reboiler, but no condenser. The column has a feed to the top stage. There may be other feeds to intermediate stages as well.

Refluxed Absorber/Stripper A refluxed absorber or stripper is a sequence of stages with a condenser but no reboiler. The column has a feed to the bottom stage. There may be other feeds to intermediate stages as well.

Simple extractor A simple extractor consists of a column with two liquid streams entering and leaving at the top and at the bottom of the column. Only the number of stages may be varied. Extraction needs at least three components. An activity model is used to describe liquid-liquid equilibria.

Complex Column The complex column option permits you to design a column with more than two feeds and several product streams. The column may or may not be equipped with a condenser and reboiler.

6.2.4 The Condenser List

Locate the cursor on the Condenser field of the Operation spreadsheet and press Enter to bring up the Condenser list:

condenser list

The basic Condenser types are as follows:

Total (Liquid product) A total condenser with the product (and reflux) streams at the boiling point. This is the default option for New columns whose configuration allows for a condenser.

Total (Subcooled product) A total condenser with the product (and reflux) streams at a temperature below the boiling point. The number of degrees of subcooling must be specified in the Condenser spreadsheet.

Partial (Vapour product) A partial condenser is an equilibrium stage. The liquid is returned to the column as reflux; the vapour stream is the top product.

None No condenser. This is the default for simple absorbers and strippers.

Two product condensers can be simulated in ChemSep by selecting a Partial condenser and withdrawing a Sidestream from Stage 1.

6.2.5 The Reboiler List

Locate the cursor on the Condenser field of the Operation spreadsheet and press Enter to bring up the Reboiler list:

reboilers list

The basic Reboiler types are as follows:

Partial (Liquid product) A partial reboiler has a liquid product (bottoms). The boilup vapour is at the boiling point of the liquid. This is the default option for New columns whose configuration allows for a reboiler.

Total (Vapour product) A reboiler where the bottom product and boilup streams are vapour at the dew point temperature.

Total (Liquid product) A reboiler where the bottom product is a portion of the liquid leaving the bottom equilibrium stage of the column. All the vapour sent to the reboiler is vapourized and returned to the column at the dew point temperature.

Total (Superheated product) A reboiler where the bottom product and boilup streams are vapour above the dew point temperature. The number of degrees of superheating must be specified in the Reboiler spreadsheet.

None No reboiler. This is the default for simple absorbers and strippers.

6.2.6 Show Flowsheet

Locate the cursor on the "Show Flowsheet" field of the Operation spreadsheet and press Enter to see the column configuration:

column flowsheet

The flowsheet shows the column with the feeds and side streams as well as the top and bottom products, selected reboiler and condenser, and possible pumparounds. Upon completion of the operation configuration select the Return option and ChemSep continues to the property model selection.

6.3 The Properties Menu

The Properties menu is accessed from the Input menu by pressing P:

properties menu

The menu contains three options: Thermodynamic models, Physical Properties and Load data. The first option lets you select the thermodynamic models and the second the physical property models. The latter is only required for nonequilibrium column simulations and therefore, will not be present for flash or equilibrium columns. The Load data option prompts you for necessary property model data such as interaction parameters for equations of state etc.

The validity of any results obtained with a program like ChemSep depends on the proper selection of thermodynamic models and their parameters. This Users Guide will not go into the technical merits of the methods available in ChemSep. There is on-line Help available (by pressing F1) and a technical reference file that can also be viewed within ChemSep (with F9) that covers some basic thermodynamics. In the rather likely event that there is insufficient information available in the on-line help and information files we strongly suggest you consult a thermodynamics textbook or your friendly neighbourhood thermodynamicist (is that last word spelled correctly). For the thermodynamically perplexed we recommend the following sources of information:

6.3.1 Thermodynamic model selection

thermodynamic model selection

Upon selecting the thermodynamic models option, you will see the above window for regular columns where we contact a vapor with a liquid. The asterisks indicate the models that need to be specified. The K-model and enthalpy model are always needed whereas the other model selections are only required if you select property models that use them. After completion of the model selection

6.3.2 Equilibrium Models (K-values)

To bring up the list of K-models available in ChemSep, locate the cursor on the asterisk next to the K-models and press Enter:

k-models selection

Each item in this menu represents a method of computing K-values:

Raoult's law: K-values are the ratio of component Vapour pressure to total pressure.

EOS: A model that uses a Cubic EOS (equation of state) for both phases.

Gamma-Phi: A model that uses liquid phase activity coefficients, Vapour pressures, vapour phase fuagcity coefficients from an EOS and the Poynting correction.

DECHEMA: A simplified version of the Gamma-Phi model (ideal vapour phase)

Chao-Seader: An older model useful for hydrocarbon systems that is based on the Regular solution activity model and the Redlich-Kwong EOS.

Polynomial: A model that may perhaps be of some use to someone, somewhere, sometime (we have never used it ourselves - other than to see that the program works).

Use the Help system ( F1) or the technical information ( F9) to learn more about these models.

6.3.3 Activity coefficient models

activity coefficient models

Each of the options in this list represents a model for calculating activity coefficients:

Ideal: For an ideal system the activity coefficient of all species is unity.

Regular: The regular solution model is due to Scatchard and Hildebrand. It is probably the simplest model of liquid mixtures and is incorporated in the Chao-Seader method of estimating K-values. It is provided here for you to use with other thermodynamic models if you wish.

Margules: A model that can only be used for binary mixtures.

Van Laar: Another model that can only be used for binary mixtures.

Wilson: The Wilson equation was proposed by G.M. Wilson in 1964. It is a "two parameter equation". That means that two interaction parameters per binary pair are needed to estimate the activity coefficients in a multicomponent mixture. For mixtures that do NOT form two liquids, the Wilson equation is, on average, the most accurate of the methods used to predict equilibria in multicomponent mixtures. However, for aqueous mixtures the NRTL model is usually superior.

NRTL: The NRTL equation due to Renon and Prausnitz is a three parameter equation. Unlike the original Wilson equation, it may also be used for liquid-liquid equilibrium calculations.

UNIQUAC: UNIQUAC stands for Universal Quasi Chemical and is a very widely used model of liquid mixtures that reduces, with certain assumptions, to almost all of the other models mentioned in the list. Like the Wilson equation, it is a two parameter equation but is capable of predicting liquid-liquid equilibria as well as vapour-liquid equilibria. Two types of UNIQUAC models are available: Original and Q-prime.

UNIFAC: UNIFAC is a group contribution method that is used to predict equilibria in systems for which NO parameters need be entered. The method is based on the UNIQUAC equation. ChemSep uses the set of UNIFAC parameters published by Professor A. Fredenslund and his collaborators in Ind. Eng. Chem. Research in 1991.

ASOG: ASOG is a group contribution method similar to UNIFAC but based on the Wilson equation. It was developed before UNIFAC but is less widely used because of the comparative lack of fitted group interaction parameters.

The Margules, Van Laar, NRTL and UNIQUAC models require binary interaction parameters. These parameters can be entered from the keyboard or loaded from a file on disk in the Load data option of the Properties menu. If you select one of these models but fail to specify a complete set of the interaction parameters, then UNIFAC is used automatically to compute any unspecified parameters.

6.3.4 Equation of state

equations of state selection

This menu appears only if EOS, Gamma-Phi or DECHEMA were selected as K-models. Each of the options in this menu represents a model for calculating fugacity coefficients for the vapour phase. Liquid fugacities can only be calculated with cubic equations of state and, therefore, they are the only available models if the EOS K-model was selected.

The two-term virial equation is included in ChemSep: Pv/RT=1+B. The virial model is useful for nonideal chemical mixtures at low and moderate pressures (up to a few atmospheres). Cubic equations of state are very widely used for computing properties of mixtures. They are most often used for hydrocarbon mixtures (with or without light gases) but extensions now being developed may mean that we will soon be using this class of model for non-ideal phase equilibrium calculations.

Ideal: For an ideal system the fugacity coefficient of all species is unity.

Hayden O'Connell: Hayden and O'Connell have provided a method of predicting the second virial coefficient for multicomponent vapour mixtures. The method is quite complicated but is well suited to ideal and nonideal systems at low pressures. You must enter the association parameters in the spreadsheet available under Load Data.

Tsonopolous: Tsonopoulous' method of estimating virial coefficients is recommended for hydrocarbon mixtures at low pressures. It is based on an earlier correlation due to Pitzer.

Chemical theory: Uses the chemical theory model that corrects the vapor fugacity coefficients for molecules that associate into "larger molecules" and thereby lower the total number of molecules. Based on the Hayden-O'Connell virial model.

Redlich-Kwong: A popular cubic equation of state.

Soave-RK: Soave's modification of the RK EOS.

API-SRK: A modification of the SRK EOS, standardized by the American Petroleum Institute (API).

Peng-Robinson: Another Cubic EOS inspired by the SRK EOS, with improved predictions for the liquid phase.

The Cubic and Hayden-O'Connell Virial models require binary parameters. These parameters can be entered from the keyboard or loaded from a file on disk in the Load data option of the Properties menu. If you select one of these models but fail to specify a complete set of the interaction parameters, then any unspecified parameters are set equal to zero.

6.3.5 Vapour pressure models

vapor pressure model selection

There are five models available in ChemSep for computing the Vapour Pressure:

Antoine: The Antoine Equation is: ln (Pvap) = A - B / (T + C), where A, B and C are fitted parameters, T the temperature (Kelvin), and Pvap the vapour pressure (Pascals). Note the natural logarithm. This option should be selected if you are using acitivity coefficient models with parameters from the DECHEMA series. Antoine parameters are available in the ChemSep data files and need not be loaded.

Extended Antoine: The equation incorporated in ChemSep's thermodynamic routines is: ln (Pvap) = A + B / (C + T) + DxT + Exln(T) + FxT^G, where A through G are fitted parameters. You must enter the parameters A - G in the Load Data option of the Properties menu.

DIPPR: The Design Institute for Physical Property Research (DIPPR) correlation for the vapour pressure.

Riedel: See Lee-Kesler

Lee-Kesler: The Riedel equation and the Lee-Kesler method are best suited to nonpolar mixtures. The Lee-Kesler method is a corresponding states model. It uses only critical properties and the acentric factor to predict the vapour pressure. Both methods are recommended for hydrocarbon systems.

6.3.6 Enthalpy models

enthalpy model selection

ChemSep incorporates the following methods for estimating the enthalpy:

None: This option speaks for itself. No enthalpy balance is used in the calculations. Column calculations will be done on the basis of constant molar flows between stages. WARNING: the use of this model with subcooled and superheated feeds or for columns with heat addition or removal on some of the stages will give incorrect results. The heat duties of the condenser and reboiler will be reported as zero since there is no basis for calculating them.

Ideal: In this model the enthalpy of vapour mixtures is computed from the ideal gas contribution. For liquids, the latent heat of vapourization is subtracted from the ideal gas contribution.

Excess: "Excess" is a short name for the most complete model available in ChemSep for computing enthalpies. The excess enthalpy is calculated from the model selected for computing K-values. For example, if the SRK EOS is used for both phases then the excess enthalpy is computed from the same EOS for both phases. If the DECHEMA model is selected for computing K-values there is no excess enthalpy for the vapour phase. The excess enthalpy of the liquid phase is obtained from the activity coefficient model and the latent heat contribution is subtracted from the ideal gas contribution.

Polynomial: A five term polynomial in temperature is available in ChemSep. You must enter the polynomial coefficients in the Load Data option of the Properties menu. Two sets of parameters are needed, one for the vapour phase and a second for the liquid phase.

Consult the Help system ( F1) and the technical reference file ( F9), for further information. The default option is Excess.

6.3.7 Physical properties

The nonequlibrium model requires physical properties such as densities, viscosities, and surface tensions, to calculate mass transfer coefficients and operating parameters such as pressure drops. By default, ChemSep doesn't select any method:

All the asterisks indicate unspecified models. Unlike to the thermodynamic models, it is possible to leave the models for the physical properties unselected! ChemSep uses a default selection of models which is sufficient for most purposes. This selection will depend on the selected components and operating conditions. To force a default selection of models use the Default option on the bottom of the screen:

You can now alter this selection by selecting each specific property. Each has its own models associated with it. Only the selection of the liquid diffusion coefficients is a bit different as you specify a model for each binary component pair individually:

If left unspecified the Wilke-Chang method is default method. The available models for liquid diffusivities are:

If you select the default option, binary diffusivity supplied, you can enter a constant diffusivity (0 indicates no diffusivity selected!) for the component pair.

6.3.8 Load Data

Load Data is a menu that lists all the models for which parameters must be entered. For example:

load data

Models (or classes of models) that might appear in the Load Data menu include:

Each of these models (or classes of model) leads to a spreadsheet where you can enter the required parameters from the keyboard or load them from a file. Several examples of typical spreadsheets are shown below:

The spreadsheet identifies the model on the top line. If the model is a polynomial or similar equation, the equation form used in ChemSep is displayed. The units of the parameters (or of the result of the equation) are displayed in parentheses on the top line. An asterisk (*) indicates each place where parameters must be entered. There are one, two, or three parameters per binary pair for EOS or Activity coefficient models. There are up to 6 parameters per component for Polynomials. Consult the section Editing and Entering data in spreadsheets for more information on this topic. The action fields on the bottom line are as follows:

Reset: Resets all parameters to the default (*)

Library: Brings up a directory of parameter files that you can view and load selected parameters from a file on disk.

Return: Returns to the next Input item

The default value of EOS parameters is zero. Unset activity coefficient parameters are estimated using UNIFAC. Unset polynomial parameters result in termination of execution as the program cannot continue without them.

WARNING: Unit conversions are performed automatically for almost all parameters whenever they are changed using F5. The units of Activity coefficient parameters, however, are NOT changed following any use if F5. Believe it or not, we have some good reasons for doing things this way but we aren'tgoing to tell you why.

If no interaction parameters are required ChemSep will inform you this with a message and advance you further in the input specifications.

no parameters required

6.4 Specifications

Locate the cursor on the Specifications option of the Input menu and press Enter (or press S) to bring up the specification menu. You will see one of the following menu's:

flash specifiations

equilibrium column specifiations

nonequilibrium column

The function of these menu items is as follows:

Analysis: a degrees of freedom analysis (for educational purposes only)

Pressures: for specifying the column pressure

Heaters/Coolers: this option lets you have heaters or coolers on the stages

Efficiencies: to set the stage efficiency other than unity (only for equilibrium columns!)

Feeds: to specify feed flows and conditions

Operation: to set the condenser and reboiler specifications

Sidestreams: for setting sidestream flows or flow ratios

Pumparounds: for setting the pumparound phase, flowrate, and heat duty or temperature

Design: to specify the type of stages (trays, packing, etc.) and the associated models for predicting mass transfer and operating parameters (such as pressure drop) for the nonequilibrium model (only!).

The sidestreams and pumarounds options only appear as needed (that is, if you specified any in the operation menu).

6.4.1 Flash Specifications

Locate the cursor on the Flash option, and press Enter to bring up the Flash specification spreadsheet. When invoked for a New problem the spreadsheet looks like this:

flash specification spreadsheet

This first field of this spreadsheet identifies the flash type by two letters that identify the two specified variables. Locate the cursor on the top field and press Enter to bring up a list of available flash types.

flash specification spreadsheet

When the flash type has been selected, a two letter code will be written in the Flash type field. Two asterisks (*) will appear in the fields adjacent to the variables identified by the two letters. For example, if the pressure and temperature are to be specified the spreadsheet will look like this:

flash specification spreadsheet

The two variables marked by the asterisks must be specified. Each line of this list identifies two variables from among the following list:

V The vapour flow

L The liquid flow

T The flash temperature

P The flash pressure

Q The heat duty.

The cursor control keys (or first letters) and Enter may be used to select the flash type and set the specifications.

6.4.2 Degrees of Freedom Analysis

Locate the cursor on Analysis and press Enter (or press A) to display a window containing a degrees of freedom analysis. This window cannot be edited and the only way to print it is to use the Print Screen key on your keyboard (or a utility that writes screen images to a file). Here is an example of a degrees of freedom analysis:

degrees of freedom analysis

The numbers in parentheses represent the numbers of degrees of freedom. The total number of degrees of freedom is the sum of the numbers in parentheses. The method used to calculate the number of degrees of freedom is described below. In what follows, c represents the number of components.

Start with 1 for the total number of stages and add two for each stage that is not a condenser or reboiler. The pressure and heat duty must be specified for all such stages.

Add 2 degrees of freedom for condensers and reboilers. The necessary specification is the stage pressure. One additional quantity must also be specified (for example, reflux ratio for the condenser and bottoms flow rate for the reboiler).

For total condensers and two-product condensers, the "stage" is, in fact, the condenser and the reflux divider together. The temperature and pressure in the reflux divider is assumed to be the same as the temperature and pressure in the condenser and the heat loss from the divider is assumed to be negligible. Analogous arguments apply to stream dividers adjacent to total reboilers.

Add 1 more degree of freedom for subcooled and superheated streams.

Unless the product streams from a total condenser or reboiler are specified as superheated or subcooled, they are assumed to be saturated. That is, the condensate is at its bubble point and the vapour leaving a reboiler is at its dew point.

Add (c+3) for each free feed. Component feed flows, two of temperature, pressure and vapour fraction and the stage location must be specified for each free feed.

Add (c+2) for each fixed feed. Fixed feeds are those that enter on the top stage if it is NOT a condenser and the bottom stage if it is NOT a reboiler. The location of these streams is fixed and so one degree of freedom is lost compared to the free feeds.

Add 2 degrees for each sidestream (location and flow rate or ratio). A sidestream from a two product condenser does not have a free location and is considered in the condenser specification. This additional product stream is not counted in the number of sidestreams.

To clear the Analysis window press Esc to go back to the Specifications menu with the cursor located on Analysis. Press Enter to go back to the same menu but with the cursor located one line down.

6.4.3 Column Pressures

Locate the cursor on Pressures and press Enter to bring up the Column Pressure Spreadsheet:

pressures specification

The pressure spreadsheet allows you to specify the column pressure profile in one of several different ways. When invoked for a new problem the window contains asterisks (*) to indicate items that must be completed. The default units used to display pressures are shown in parentheses on the top line of this spreadsheet. Use F5 to change the default Units. You may also type in pressures in other units as long as you use one of the pressure Units recognized by ChemSep after the numerical value. Consult the section on Entering and Editing Data in Spreadsheets for more information on Units entry.

The first asterisk may be for the Condenser pressure. The condenser pressure must be specified (if the column has one). If the column has no condenser the condenser pressure field will not be present in this spreadsheet.

The Column pressure field allows you to select the method used to specify the column pressure profile. With the cursor on the Column pressure field press Enter to bring up the Column pressure list.

pressures profile specification

Use the cursor keys and Enter to select one of these options. When you have selected the column pressure mode additional asterisks (*) will appear to indicate any other values that must be entered.

If you select a Constant pressure profile you need enter nothing in this window other than the Top pressure. The value entered for the Top pressure will be assigned to all stages. The Top pressure need not be the same as the Condenser pressure.

If you specify the Bottom and top pressures, two asterisks (*) will appear in the Top pressure and Bottom pressure fields in the pressure spreadsheet. The pressure of the remaining stages will be calculated by linear interpolation between the two end values.

If you opt for Fixed pressure drop then an asterisk (*) will appear against the Top pressure and Pressure drop fields. The pressure of the remaining stages will be calculated by adding the specified Pressure drop to the pressure of the stage above.

The estimated pressure drop option is only available for nonequilibrium models where we can actually calculate the pressure drop with hydraulic equations and models. If you select this option you only need to specify the pressure at the top of the column. You will need to select the estimate pressure drop options under the column Design.

6.4.4 Feeds Specifications

The feed spreadsheet is for specifying the thermal condition and component flows in all feed streams. Here is an example of its appearance when invoked for a New problem.

feed specification

The spreadsheet has three parts to it. In the upper portion the thermal condition of each feed is specified. In the middle section the component flows are entered. A maximum of five component flows can be displayed in this central section of the spreadsheet. If the number of components is more than five you can scroll the list with Up, Down, Alt--, Alt-+, PgDn, PgUp, Ctrl-Home and Ctrl-End. The component flows are added together to give the total flow that is printed in the bottom of the spreadsheet. Each feed appears in a separate column. When invoked for a new problem the feed spreadsheet appears as shown above.

The locations of any feed streams were specified in the Operation spreadsheet but you may change the location of the feeds here. Any changes made in this spreadsheet will be reflected in the Operation spreadsheet if you return there. To change the feed stage number, locate the cursor on the Stage field and type in the new stage location. Press Enter to accept the new stage number. For each feed stream you must specify two of the following three variables: Pressure, Vapour fraction, and Temperature. Locate the cursor on the State field and press Enter to bring up a list that allows you to select one of two options:

feed state specification

Use the cursor control keys and Enter to select one of these two options. Two asterisks (*) will appear in the fields adjacent to the variables you have opted to specify. For example, if Pressure and vapour fraction are to be specified the spreadsheet will now appear as:

feed specification

Locate the cursor on the Pressure field and type in the pressure. Press Enter to accept it. Note the default units are displayed in parentheses. Use F5 to change the Units.

Locate the cursor on the Vapour fraction field and type in the vapour fraction. Press Enter to accept it. A vapour fraction of zero means the feed is a liquid at its boiling point. A vapour fraction of unity means the feed is a vapour at its dew point. Vapour fractions between zero and unity indicate a partially vapourized feed. Vapour fractions less than zero mean the feed is a subcooled liquid. Vapour fractions greater than unity indicate a superheated vapour. ChemSep will determine the extent of subcooling or superheating when the problem is Solved.

Type in the component feed flows in the central section of the feed spreadsheet. Note the default units. If there are more components in the feed than will fit into the window you can press PgDn to access the remaining fields. When all the component flows have been entered, the Total flow will be displayed. Once the total flow is calculated it becomes a field that can be specified. You can use this to specify a feed where you know the feed mole fractions and the total feed flow. If you change the total flow all the component flows are adjusted in proportion to the change in the total flow. The composition (in mole fractions) of the feed is not changed.

ChemSep always displays the component feed flows in molar units. Note that the Streams table in the Results menu displays flows in both mass and molar units. ChemSep can accept component feed flows in mass units rather than molar units. Type in the numerical value of the mass flow and follow the number by the character string that represents the appropriate mass unit. Press Enter to accept the mass flow. For example, we know the mole fractions and entered these:

example feed specification

where the default flow units are mol/s. But we know the feed flows in lb/min, and simply type that in the total feed flow as

	375 lb/min	Enter
and ChemSep will automatically convert the number to the correct value in mol/s:

example feed specification

Spaces are ignored when evaluating the expression with units. Any combination of the units listed under Other Units may be used. ChemSep checks the dimensions of the unit combination you enter and displays a warning message if it does not have the correct dimensions. If you know the total mass flow and the mass fractions: enter the mass fractions in the component flow fields and the total mass flow in the total flow field. Enter ALL with the appropriate mass flow units!

There are three action fields at the bottom of the feeds spreadsheet:

Insert: to add a feed

Delete: to eliminate a feed

Return: to return to the Input menu

If you want to add a feed you will be prompted for the feed stage number. If you want to eliminate a feed you will be prompted for which feed you want to delete (by the number in the top line). The spreadsheet will be adjusted automatically after deleting or inserting a feed. Use the Return option when you are done with the feed specification. If you change the feed stages and exit the feeds specifications, ChemSep re-orders the feeds in ascending stage number.

6.4.5 Operation specifications

In the operation specifications you can define specifications for the condenser and or reboiler (if they are present!). On entry the operation specifications are unspecified:

operation specifications

The asterisk (*) on the left in this spreadsheet indicate that two specifications must be made (we used a condenser and a reboiler here). Locate the cursor on the top asterisk (press Home if the cursor is not there) and press Enter to bring up the Top product / Condenser Specifications. Use the cursor control keys and Enter to select ONE of the available options.

When you have selected the type of specification you will see additional asterisks (*) on the line of the spreadsheet corresponding to the specification you selected. There may be one, two, or three asterisks depending on the specification you wish to make. Those options that require you to identify one or two component names from the list of selected components will have more than one asterisk. Locate the cursor on the first (and/or second) asterisk and press Enter to display a List of components. Use the cursor control keys and Enter to choose one of the component names.

condenser/top product

These specification options are explained below:

Reflux ratio: The reflux ratio is the ratio of the reflux flow to the distillate flow. For partial and two-product condensers you should be aware that the REFLUX RATIO is defined as the ratio of LIQUID REFLUX to VAPOUR distillate. A second liquid product (if present) is handled in the same way as other Sidestreams. This specification is one of the easiest with which to obtain converged solutions.

Heat duty: The condenser heat duty is the amount of heat removed in the condenser. Note that the heat duty is a NEGATIVE number. The specification of the heat duty is not recommended unless you have a very good idea of its magnitude.

Temperature of condensate: Specification of the condenser temperature is equivalent to fixing the boiling point of the top product. This specification option is not recommended. It is very easy to specify a condenser temperature that cannot be achieved and the calculations will not, therefore, converge.

Distillate flow rate: This option requires you to specify a value for the distillate flow rate. This option is recommended; it is "easy" to obtain a converged solution with this option. However, if this option is selected it is not permitted to select the bottoms flow rate from the reboiler (if present).

Reflux flow rate: This option requires you to specify a value for the reflux flow rate (the flow rate from the condenser that is returned to the top of the column). This option is recommended; it is "easy" to obtain a converged solution with this option.

Component flow: This option requires you to specify the flow rate of one of the components at the top of the column. The component flow rate is the product of the total flow and the mole fraction. It may not be easy to obtain a converged solution if this option is selected. It is easy to specify a component flow rate that cannot be achieved with the system that you have selected.

Mole fraction of a component: This option requires you to specify the mole fraction of one of the components at the top of the column. It may not be easy to obtain a converged solution if this option is selected. It is easy to specify a composition that cannot be achieved with the system that you have selected.

Component recovery: This option requires you to specify the fraction of the total feed of a component that is desired in the top product. This option may be useful if you have more than one feed with the same components in each feed. Note that the recovery must be entered as a percentage. It may not be easy to obtain a converged solution if this option is selected. It is easy to specify a value that cannot be achieved with the system that you have chosen.

Fraction of feeds recovered: This option requires you to specify the fraction of the flow of the combined feeds that is desired as the top product. Note that the fraction must be entered as a percentage.

Split between two components: ChemSep allows you to specify the ratio between the mole fractions of two components in the top product stream. You must select the two components from the list provided as well as the desired composition ratio. It may not be easy to obtain a converged solution if this option is selected. It is easy to specify a value that cannot be achieved with the system that you have selected.

Flexible: ChemSep allows flexible specifications where the user suplies a string as specification. This is an advanced option for experienced users. Needless to say that the use of this specification CAN EASILY lead to serious problems as less checks can be done. A flexible specification is an equation like

    RR = 2.5   or   D = [400 mol/s]
The specification is done in SI units. See the help ( F1) for more information.

Once we have specified the first specification we need to specify the next specification by selecting the asterisk and pressing Enter. In this case the Bottom product / Reboiler Specifications. Use the cursor control keys and Enter or the highlighted letters in that menu to select ONE of the available options.

reboiler/bottom product

Reboil ratio: The reboil ratio is the ratio of the boilup vapour flow to the bottom product rate. This specification is one of the easiest with which to obtain converged solutions.

Heat duty of reboiler: The reboiler heat duty is the amount of heat added in the reboiler. Note that the heat duty is a POSITIVE number. The specification of the heat duty is not recommended unless you have a very good idea of its magnitude.

Temperature of reboiler: Specification of the reboiler temperature is equivalent to fixing the boiling point of the bottom product. This specification option is not recommended. It is very easy to specify a reboiler temperature that cannot be achieved and the calculations will not, therefore, converge.

Bottoms flow rate: This option requires you to specify a value for the bottoms flow rate. This is the default option for New problems. This option is recommended as it is "easy" to obtain a converged solution with this option. However, if this option is selected it is not permitted to select the distillate flow rate from the condenser (if present).

Reboiled vapour flow rate: This option requires you to specify a value for the flow rate of vapour from the reboiler back to the column. This option is recommended; it is "easy" to obtain a converged solution with this option.

Component flow: This option requires you to specify the flow rate of one of the components at the bottom of the column. It may not be easy to obtain a converged solution if this option is selected. It is easy to specify a component flow rate that cannot be achieved with the system that you have selected.

Mole fraction of a component: This option requires you to specify the mole fraction of one of the components at the bottom of the column. It may not be easy to obtain a converged solution if this option is selected. It is easy to specify a composition that cannot be achieved with the system that you have chosen.

Component recovery: This option requires you to specify the fraction of the total feed of a component that is desired in the bottom product. This option may be useful if you have more than one feed with the same components in each feed. Note that the recovery must be entered as a percentage. It may not be easy to obtain a converged solution if this option is selected. It is easy to specify a value that cannot be achieved with the system that you have selected.

Fraction of feeds recovered: This option requires you to specify the fraction of the flow of the combined feeds that is desired as the bottom product. Note that the fraction must be entered as a percentage.

Split between two components: ChemSep allows you to specify the ratio between the mole fractions of two components in the bottom product stream. You must select the two components from the list provided as well as the desired composition ratio. It may not be easy to obtain a converged solution if this option is selected. It is easy to specify a value that cannot be achieved with the system that you have chosen.

Flexible: ChemSep allows flexible specifications where the user suplies a string as specification. This is an advanced option for experienced users. Needless to say that the use of this specification CAN EASILY lead to serious problems as less checks can be done. A flexible specification is an equation like

    B = [600 mol/s]
The specification is done in SI units. See the help ( F1) for more information.

As example, we can specify a reflux ratio of 2 for the condenser and a bottoms flow as a fraction of the feeds, of 0.6. Use the Return option to return to the specifications menu.

operations specifications

6.4.6 Sidestreams

If you specified a sidestream at stage 5 under the column operation you can select the sidestreams option from the specifications menu and get:

side stream specifications

This spreadsheet identifies the stage from which the sidestream is withdrawn, the phase of the sidestream, whether the total flow or flow ratio is specified, and the numerical value of the specification (a flow in this case). The location of any sidestreams was specified in the Operation spreadsheet but you may change the location of the sidestream here. Any changes made in this spreadsheet will be reflected in the Operation spreadsheet if you return there. To change the sidestream stage locate the cursor on the Stage field and type in the new stage location.

Select the Phase of the sidestream by placing the cursor on the phase field and pressing Enter. Select the desired phase, vapour, or liquid from the list that appears.

Specification of sidestream flow rates is possible, or you may specify the flow ratio between the sidestream flow and the interstage flow rate. Locate the cursor on the Specification field and press Enter to bring up a list with these two options. Use the cursor control keys and Enter to select one of these options. An astersik (*) will appear in the field adjacent to the option you selected. Type the numerical value of the sidstream flow specification in that field. The liquid product of a two-product condenser is considered by ChemSep to be a liquid sidestream from stage 1.

Place the cursor on the Insert field and press Enter if you wish to add a sidestream, or use the Delete field and to eliminate a sidestream. The Return field and press Enter to return to the Input menu.

6.4.7 Heater / Coolers

Locate the cursor on Heaters/Coolers in the Specifications menu and press Enter (or press H) to bring up the following spreadsheet:


ChemSep allows you to specify the heat duty of any stage. The default value of the heat duties is zero. The Heaters/Coolers spreadsheet shown here has no an asterisk for the unspecified column heat duty (which will therefore be taken as zero). This is how the spreadsheet appears when invoked for a New problem. If you enter a value for the column heat duty it will be spread out over all the stages in the column with the exception of the condenser and reboiler stages. To add or remove heat from any specific stage, locate the cursor on Insert and press Enter to bring up a prompt box as follows:

heater/cooler stage

Type in the number of the stage where the heater or cooler is located and press Enter. Here is the heaters/coolers spreadsheet after stages 2 and 3 have been identified as having a heater or cooler.

heaters/coolers specifications

The asterisks (*) indicate the fields where you must enter numerical values for the heat duties. In the above illustration, heat duties are to be entered in J/s. Use F5 to change the default Units. If the number of heaters/coolers in the spreadsheet is large (more than 10) you can scroll the list with Up, Down, Alt--, Alt-+, PgDn, PgUp, Ctrl-Home and Ctrl-End. Locate the cursor on each of these fields and type in the values of each heat duty. Press Enter to accept them. Note that quantities of heat removed from a stage should be given a NEGATIVE sign.

If you leave the heat duties unspecified they will be taken as zero. ChemSep will not let you specify the heat duties of Condensers and Reboilers which, if they are specified at all, are specified in their own spreadsheets. If you try and specify the heat duty of stage 1 when the column is equipped with a condenser you will see the following warning:

error stage specification

Locate the cursor on the Delete field and press Enter to be presented with a box that allows you to eliminate a heater or cooler from the spreadsheet. Locate the cursor on the Return field and press Enter to go back to the Specifications menu.

6.4.8 Efficiencies

If you are setting up a equilibrium column simulation, you can specify the efficiencies of the stages in the column. Locate the cursor on Efficiencies in the Specifications menu and press Enter (or press H) to bring up the following spreadsheet:

efficiencies specification

This spreadsheet lets you know that the default value of the Murphree efficiency is unity for all stages. Additional lines appear in this spreadsheet whenever you wish to specify unequal efficiencies on different stages. Locate the cursor on the Default field and type in the default value of the efficiency. Press Enter to accept the new value. Here is an example where the default value is 0.75. Note that that the Murphree efficiency will normally lie between zero and one.

default efficiency specification

To specify a different value for any stage, locate the cursor on Insert and press Enter to bring up a prompt box. Type in the number of the stage for which the efficiency to be specified is located and press Enter. Here is the efficiencies spreadsheet after stages 2 - 5 have been identified as having efficiencies different from the default value:

stage efficiencies specification

The asterisks (*) indicate the fields where you must enter numerical values for the efficiencies. Locate the cursor on each of these fields and type in the values of each efficiency. Press Enter to accept them.

ChemSep will not you specify the efficiencies of Condensers and Reboilers. These units are assumed to have an efficiency of unity. If you try and specify the efficiency of stage 1 when the column is equipped with a condenser you will see a warning that mentions the valid range of stages. If the number of lines in the spreadsheet is large (more than 10) you can scroll the list with Up, Down, Alt--, Alt-+, PgDn, PgUp, Ctrl-Home and Ctrl-End. Locate the cursor on the Delete field and press Enter to be presented with a box that allows you to eliminate a stage from the efficiency spreadsheet. Locate the cursor on the Return field to go back to the Specifications menu.

6.4.9 Design

If you are setting up a nonequilibrium column simulation, the column layout must be known (unless you run the column in design mode). The column layout contains detailed information about the tray or packing installed in the column. Generally, the layout of trays or packed beds remains the same between column feeds and sidestreams. These areas or "sections" are how the column layout is handled in ChemSep. A section can consist of one simulation stage or several stages. Each stage represent one tray or a unit height of packing. ChemSep automatically divides tge stages over the sections. For an ordinary distillation column with a feed in the middle, the column has two sections: the rectification and the stripping section:

design menu

where for each column section we need to specify a type of internals (here the list for distillation columns. Liquid-liquid extraction columns can have other types of internals, such as RDC's, spray columns, etc.):

internals type selection

After selecting a type of internals, for example sieve trays, the detailed internals layout specification input spreadsheet will pop up:

sieve tray layout specification

Here you must enter the detailed layout parameters of the sieve trays that are in the column section you want to simulate. Some of these parameters are essential, such as the column diameter and tray spacing, as they determine the tray's capacity. Others, such as weir height and hole diameter, can be left unspecified and ChemSep will supply default values which will often work fine. To accurately simulate your column you must enter all the layout parameters you know.

However, if you are designing a column with sieve trays, you can't specify the layout as nothing is still know of the internal column flows. Without these, you can't do any calculations to come up with a reasonable tray layout. For this reason Chemsep has a design mode. If you leave the column diameter of a section unspecified (*) the design mode is automatically initiated during the simulation. This facilitates an initial tray layout design and additional designs when the internal column flows change during the iterations. This will guarantee that the trays will handle the column internal flows and come up with a resonable tray layout. The result is not themost optimum design, however.

Of course, you can also have valve trays:

valve tray layout specification

or bubble-cap trays

bubble-cap tray layout

or dumped packing

dumped packing layout

where the type of packing needs to be specified. You can do this by loading the data of a specific packing by selecting the packing type field. This allows you to load the data from a packing library, which shows you the available dumped packings:

selecting a dumped packing type

The structured packing specification works just like the dumped packing

structured packing tray layout

Alternatively, a section can consist of equilibrium stages. This might be useful if you have a piece of hardware, such as a distributor, where some vapor-liquid equilibrium will persist but for which no nonequilibrium model is available. The stage efficiency and pressure drop are the required inputs:

equilibrium stage specification

After specifying the section internals, the design menu will show you the available models for this type of internal:

internals model specification

Here we enter the section height (only for packed sections), the mass transfer coefficient model (MTC, used to calculate the mass transfer rate), the liquid resistance (can be included or ignored), the vapor and liquid flow models (mixed or plug flow), the pressure drop model (fixed, or estimated for trays, specific models are available for packigns, dependent on the type), entrainment (neglected or estimated), holdup model (only for dynamic simulations), and the design method which defines the design method used for this section when the design mode is activated.

The mass transfer coefficient model determines the method used to calculate the vapor and liquid mass transfer rates. usually there are several models available for an internals type, for example for sieve trays:

mtc model specification

There are different design methods for the design mode: fraction of flood, pressure drop, and optimizing.

design mode method

The first designs the column internal to operate at a certain fraction of the flood conditions, for example 75 %. This allows the column to handle some additional capacity or increased reflux (for a higher purity). For trays, you also need to specify the weep fraction, which is the fraction of the operating conditions where weeping of the trays would occur. Weeping is detrimental to the efficiency of the trays. The flexibility of operation is determined by the fraction of flood and weep fraction and allows a window for proper column operation. Note that the weep fraction is not a specification but an upper bound (thus, the tray can only start to weep at lower fractions than specified).

design mode method

Other design philosophies are design for a specific pressure drop and the optimizing design. The design for a specific pressure drop is one typically used for packed columns, especially where high pressure drops are to be avoided (vaccuum distillation). Note that the tray design pressure drop is again an upper bound instead of a specification. The optimizing design method tries to optimize the internals design for a low pressure drop, high average mass transfer rate, low diameter (cost) and height, as well as high flexibility (which is inverse proportional to the fraction of flood and the weep factor). This method is not (yet) available.

For each section the internals type and models must be selected. You can add sections by selecting "Insert" and specifiying the starting stage of the section. Peruse multiple sections by using the arrow keys. section can also deleted by selecting "Delete" and specifying the number of the section. After you exit the design menu the sections are ordered by the starting stage number, so the order of the sections can be changed. Also if you go to the feed specification the sections stages might be automatically adapted (unless this option is turned off in the interface options).

The last item in the design menu is the system factor. This factor is used in many design calculations as a derating factor correcting for foam formation. Press F1 to obtain help on this parameter and to see some examples for the system factor values dependent on the type of operation.

6.4.10 Pumparounds

If you specified a pumparound in the operation, there will be a pumparound option in the specifications. Selecting it will load the pumparound specification which works similar to the sidestream specification. For example, if you specified a pumparound from stage 20 to stage 10 the input spreadsheet looks like:

pumparound specification

Here you can specify the stages of the pumparound (these are already filled in), the phase to pump around (for liquids a pump would be used, for vapors a compressor), the type of flow specification (total flowrate or flowratio with respect to the internal column flow at the stage of withdraw), the flow specification, and the type of heat specification (a heat duty or a temperature) together with the specification. Often, liquid pumparounds are installed with coolers to increase the liquid reflux in that secion (introducing subcooled liquid will condense some of the internal vapor flow).

6.5 Solve

When you have completed the Input of all data, you are ready to Solve the problem. To execute the calculation program you may carry out one of the following actions:

The difference between these last two two-keys is that if you press Alt-S all input data will be checked for completeness and you will be asked to verify the data file name before any existing file is overwritten. If you press Alt-Q, automatic data checking is ignored and the current file name is overwritten immediately. These Alt-key combinations can be pressed from anywhere within ChemSep.

Unless you press Alt-Q, ChemSep checks for any missing or obviously inconsistent data. Message boxes informing you of any such oversights will appear only as needed and you will be taken directly to the place where you should enter the missing data. If you changed something (either by accident or by design) you may see a warning message if your change leads to some inconsistency that the program can detect. Once the data are verified (or the checks are bypassed with Alt-Q), ChemSep writes it to a file.

The next thing that will happen is that the ChemSep shell, CS, calls up the appropriate simulation program to solve the problem. A window appears in the center of the screen and the simulation program writes messages there to let you know the current status of the calculations. If you have a color monitor the window will appear in red over a blue background. The size of the window depends on how much information you have requested be written to the screen. Consult the Solve options for more information on this topic. If you are using the default settings (only iteration numbers written to the screen) the window will look something like it does here.

solving the column simulation

This illustration is from the Depropanizer example in Chapter 10. When the calculations are complete, the program will inform you of this fact, the interface reloads the input data together with the results and jumps to the Results menu (the subject of Chapter 7).

6.6 ChemProp

The ChemProp option allows you to switch to the ChemProp program with a temporary file loaded that contains the component selection in the current simulation. ChemSep User's Guide

Chapter 7. The Results Menu

The Results menu allows you to inspect the results of a simulation. If you have simulated a Column, the Results menu looks like this:

column results menu

The three items are:

Graphs Column simulation results can be displayed in graphical form

Tables or in tabular form

Spreadsheet or, if you don't like our ways of looking at the results, you can print a text file to be imported into your favorite spreadsheet program

If you have solved a Flash problem, the Results menu looks like this:

flash results menu

In this case the Results menu is a list of the kinds of Table that ChemSep can display for flash problems.

7.1 The Tables Menu

If you have carried out a Column simulation, you may bring up the menu of Tables by locating the cursor on the Tables option and pressing Enter:

column tables menu

This is what the screen looks like for the Depropanizer example (Chapter 10) when you select the Streams table:

column stream table

All Tables are written to a View window. Usually, there is insufficient space on the screen to display the entire table. Use the cursor control keys, Up, Down, PgUp, PgDn, Home, and End, to see more of these tables. Notice that the Function key bar at the foot of the screen has been replaced by a list of a few keys that have a special purpose in the Tables menu window.

Alt-N View the next table.

Alt-P View the previous table.

Alt-E Edit the displayed window

Ctrl-P Print the displayed window to a file or on a printer

Continue to press Alt-N or Alt-P until you have seen the tables in turn. Press Escape to clear the current table and return to the previous menu.

For nonequilibrium simulations run with the design mode the calculated column internals design is also available as a table:

calculated column design

7.2 The Graphs Menu

Locate the cursor on the Graphs option of the Results menu and press Enter to bring up the Graphs menu:

column graphs

The following graphs are predefined by ChemSep:

Liquid phase composition profiles Liquid phase mole fractions plotted against stage number

Vapour phase composition profiles Vapour phase mole fractions plotted against stage number

K-values K-values of all components plotted against stage number

Temperature profile Temperatures of each stage plotted against stage number

Pressure profile Pressures of each stage plotted against stage number

Flow profiles Vapour and liquid flows of each stage plotted against stage number

Mass transfer rates Component mass transfer rates from the vapor to the liquid against the stage number

Stripping factors Stripping factors for each component per stage

Key ratio profiles Ratio of the component mole fraction per stage

Relative volatilities Relative volatilities (ratio of K-values) per stage

McCabe-Thiele diagram Modified McCabe-Thiele diagram for multicomponent systems

Right triangular diagram Graph of liquid phase mole fractions against each other

Quaternary diagram Rotatable tetrahedron diagram for four component systems

There are basically four different kinds of graph. Profiles, which covers the first six items in the above list, the McCabe-Thiele diagram, the Right triangular diagram and the Quaternary diagram. Occasionally we will refer to the latter as a Pyramid plot (or, more properly, a tetrahedron diagram). These graphs can be configured by ChemSep users. To configure a graph, press Spacebar while the graph is displayed on the screen.

7.2.1 Profiles

When Spacebar is pressed with a Profile displayed a list similar to that shown here will be displayed:

profiles setup menu

The items in this list lead to other lists or to spreadsheets where such things as the color, line style, and point style for each profile can be selected. The items in this list are discussed below.

The plot spreadsheet allows the specification of the plot title, orientation (whether the stages are on the vertical or horizontal axis), axis color and the presence of labels for the displayed profiles. Boxes around the labels and plot are also optional.

plot setup menu

The stage axis setup spreadsheet allows you to specify the title, start and ending stage, tic interval, the number of small tics in an interval, and the selection of a grid, logarithmic mode, and scientific number labeling. Note that the stage axis specification is not limited to whole numbers. This is to facilitate plotting two variables against each other using the "advanced" profile plot option (see below).

stage axis setup menu

The left/right or top/bottom axis setup spreadsheets define the same items for the other axis. The plot can has only one stage axis but can have both a left and right axis or a top and bottom axis (depending on the orientation selected under the plot setup). ChemSep uses by default linear axis for all its plots (except the key ratio plot) but logarithmic axis are useful when plot values take on small values or span several decades.

profile axis setup

The settings for each line in a profile are shown in a profile setup spreadsheets. Press Enter with the cursor located on any of the items in the Profiles list to bring up a spreadsheet similar to the one shown here:

profile setup

The label, color, point type (Circle, square, etc.), line thickness (no line, normal, thick), line style (solid, dotted, centered, dashed) can be set. The axis selection, left/right or top/bottom (dependent on the plot orientation), selects which axis is used to plot the profile. The profile is then drawn with values starting from the specified first to the last stage (thus, though the plot might cover stages 1-50, the profile might only show stages 1-10). The clear option will clear the profile from the graph and the write option allows you to write the profile to a file on disk.

It is possible to display, for example, both mole fractions and temperatures on the same graph, one set using the left axis, the other using the right axis. To add a profile to a graph select an "empty" field in the list of profiles and press Enter. You will be shown a list of available profiles:

profiles list

Use the cursor keys and Enter to select a new profile. Compositions, K-values, efficiencies, and mass transfer rates require a component selection for the profile to add. The advanced profile allows you to specify the variables used for the X and Y values:

advanced profile setup

The stage plot string is default set to "S" which is the stage number. The Y plot string is left empty and needs to be specified. This would plot the Y variable against the stage number. To plot two variables against eachother enter one as X variable and the other as Y variable. You can enter any variable identifier from the following list:

 Available identifiers:
 X#  Liquid mole fraction
 Y#  Vapour mole fraction
 K#  K-value
 T   Temperature (see also TL)
 P   Pressure
 V   Vapour flow
 L   Liquid flow
 S   Stage number
 Z   Stage height
 HV  Vapour entHalpy
 HL  Liquid entHalpy
 where # = Component index
 Additional identifiers for the Non-equilibrium model:
 M#  Murphree efficiency
 R#  mass transfer Rate
 TB  Bubble point Temperature
 TD  Dew point Temperature
 TV  Vapour Temperature
 TL  Liquid Temperature
 TI  Interface Temperature
 XI# Liquid Interface mole fraction
 YI# Vapour Interface mole fraction
 FF  Fraction of Flooding
 WF  Fraction of Weeping
 $DsV   $DsL   densities (kg/m3)
 $VisV  $VisL  viscosities (Pa.s)
 $MwV   $MwL   molar weights (kg/kmol)
 $CpV   $CpL   heat capacities (J/kmol.K)
 $TcV   $TcL   thermal conductivities (J/K/m/s)
 $Sigma        surface tension (Pa.m)
 $Dv#,# $Dl#,# diffusivities (m2/s)
 $Atot  $Avap  $Aliq areas (m2, m2/m3)
 $tV    $tL    residense times (s)
 $NTUv  $NTUl  number of transfer units
 $HTCv  $HTCl  heat transfer coefficients (/)
 $Mv  $Ml   mass flows (kg/s)
 $Qv  $Ql   volume flows (m3/s)
 $Uv  $Ul   superfical velocities (m/s)
 $Flv $Vload flow parameter, vapor loading
 $Qlw       vol. weir flow (m3/m.s)
 $Ud        downcomer velocity (m/s)
 $Fs  $Csf  F-factor, capacity factor
 $FF  $Hwt  Fraction of flooding, wet tray h (m)
 $Hcl $Hr   clear liquid and residual height (m)
 $Hd  $How  dry tray and height over weir (m)
 $Hg  $Hf   liquid gradient and froth h (m)
 $Hdb $PhiL downcomer height (m) liq. entrain.
 $Ae  $PhiV mass fraction liq entrain, vap.
 $Alpha $Eps liquid and vapor fractions froth
 $Tv  $Tl   residense times (s)
 $Uh  $Fr-h hole velocity (m/s), froude number
 $WF  $Wflx fraction of weeping, weep flux
 $AlphaD $TimeD liquid fraction downcomer, time
 $Qmw $Pd   packing minimum vol. rate, dp/dz
The Printer setup option will allow the setup of the output device (also avaliable under the options menu). The Print option will print the current graph to the printer (as set up under the printer setup). This can be done as well by pressing Ctrl-P when viewing the graph. The Reset option restores the profiel to the original state (undoing any changes in the settings made by the user).

7.2.2 McCabe-Thiele Diagram Spreadsheet

Press M in the Graphs menu bring up the McCabe-Thiele diagram. Examples are provided in Chapters 10 and 11. The diagram is constructed from the mole fractions of any two components in a multicomponent mixture. The mole fractions on each axis are normalized so that each axis extends from 0 to 1. ChemSep chooses the two components to be used in the modified McCabe-Thiele diagram by searching for the two components whose average K-values are closest to, but either side of unity. The components used in the diagram can be changed if desired. To adapt the diagram press the Spacebar while the graph is displayed on the screen:

mccabe-thiele plot

Title Pressing Enter with the cursor located on the Title field allows you to edit the default title. The title is displayed over the top of the figure on screen. Press Ctrl-Backspace to delete the title. Key components ChemSep chooses the two components to be used in the modified McCabe-Thiele diagram by searching for the two components whose average K-values are closest to, but on either side of unity. The components used in the diagram can be changed if desired by locating the cursor on the key-component fields and pressing Enter. A list of components will be displayed. Use the cursor control keys and Enter to select one of the components. Press Escape to remove the list of components without making a selection. Flip It is traditional for a McCabe-Thiele diagram to be displayed with the construction above the 45 degree diagonal that is drawn across the diagram. It is possible for the construction to appear below the diagonal. Use the Flip field in the McCabe-Thiele window to obtain a diagram with the consruction in the desired location. Press Enter with the cursor located on the Flip field to toggle between Yes and No. X and Y axes The colour, tic spacing, label, and axis titles may be changed from the default settings if desired. It is also possible to change the range of either axis to zoom in any particularly interesting portion of the diagram. Lines The colour and line style of the stages lines (the steps of the staircase), the equilibrium line, the operating line, and the Q-lines may be changed. Press Enter with the cursor on any Lines field to bring up a list of alternatives. Use the cursor keys and Enter to select any of the options displayed. Use Escape to go back to the spreadsheet and use the prior selection. Printer Setup The McCabe-Thiele diagram may be printed from ChemSep or to a file for printing from the operating system. Locate the cursor on the Printer Setup field and press Enter to bring up the Printer selection and setup spreadsheet. Print Locate the cursor on Print and press Enter to print the diagram to the chosen destination.

7.2.3 Right Triangular diagram spreadsheet

Press I in the Graphs menu (or locate the cursor on Right triangular diagram and press Enter) to bring up the triangular diagram. An example is provided in Chapter 11. The diagram is constructed by plotting the liquid phase mole fractions of any two components in a multicomponent mixture on the vertical and horizontal axes. ChemSep chooses the two components to be used in the triangular diagram by searching for the two components whose average K-values are closest to but on either side of unity. The components used in the diagram can be changed if desired. To adapt the diagram press the Spacebar while the graph is displayed on the screen. A spreadsheet similar to that shown here will be displayed.

right triangular plot

Title Pressing Enter with the cursor located on the Title field allows you to edit the default title. The title is displayed over the top of the figure on screen. Press Ctrl-Backspace to delete the title. Key Components ChemSep chooses the two components to be used in the ternary diagram. The components used in the diagram can be changed if desired by locating the cursor on the key component fields and pressing Enter. A list of components will be displayed. Use the cursor control keys and Enter to select one of the components. Press Escape to remove the list of components without making a selection. X and Y axes The color, tic spacing, label, and axis titles may be changed from the default settings if desired. Locate the cursor on any field and press Enter to see a list of alternative settings or to edit the previously entered string. Press Escape to exit any list or data entry field without making any changes. Points Locate the cursor on the Points field and press Enter to bring up the Points list. Use the cursor keys and Enter to select a point style. Line thickness Locate the cursor on the Line thickness field and press Enter to bring up the Line thickness list. Use the cursor keys and Enter to select from No line, Normal, and Thick. Line Style Locate the cursor on the Line style field and press Enter to bring up the Line style list. Use the cursor keys and Enter to select one. Printer Setup The ternary diagram may be printed from ChemSep or to a file for printing from the operating system. Locate the cursor on the Printer Setup field and press Enter to choose the printer type and destination. Locate the cursor on the Print field and press Enter to print the diagram to the chosen destination.

7.2.4 Quaternary diagram spreadsheet

The Quaternary diagram is available only for four component systems. We first became aware of this type of diagram after reading a paper by Julka and Doherty in Chem. Eng. Sci. We believe (hope) that ChemSep is the first simulation program to include these diagrams. Locate the cursor on Quaternary diagram and press Enter to bring up a quaternary diagram. These diagrams can be rotated using thee arrow keys. Press the Spacebar to adapt the diagram. You will see a spreadsheet that looks something like this:

quaternary diagram

Title Pressing Enter with the cursor located on the Title field allows you to edit the default title. The title is displayed over the top of the figure on screen. Press Ctrl-Backspace to delete the title. Labels Pressing Enter with the cursor located on any Label field allows you to edit the default label. Labels are displayed at the corners of the tetrahedron Press Ctrl-Backspace to delete the label. Avoid using too many characters in a Label. Depending on the orientation of the tetrahedron, the Labels may not fit on the screen and may not be printed completely. Axis color Locate the cursor on the Axis color field and press Enter to bring up the Colors list. Use the cursor keys (or first letters) and Enter to select one. Line color Locate the cursor on the Line color field and press Enter to bring up the Colors list. Use the cursor keys (or first letters) and Enter to select one. Line thickness Locate the cursor on the Line thickness field and press Enter to bring up the Line thickness list. Use the cursor keys and Enter to select from No line, Normal, and Thick. Line Style Locate the cursor on the Line style field and press Enter to bring up the Line style list. Use the cursor keys and Enter to select one. Points Locate the cursor on the Points field and press Enter to bring up the Points list. Use the cursor keys and Enter to select a point style. Printer Setup The quaternary diagram may be printed from ChemSep or to a file for printing from the operating system. Locate the cursor on the Printer Setup field and press Enter to choose the printer type and destination. Locate the cursor on the Print field and press Enter to print the diagram to the chosen destination.

7.2.5 Miscellaneous Lists

Some of the fields in the spreadsheets discussed above lead to one of the miscellaneous lists illustrated here. Use the cursor keys (or first letters) and Enter to select one of the items on the list.

Component list The component list is just a list of the components selected in this particular example.

component list

Colors list

color selection

Line thickness list

line thickness selection

Line Style List

line style selection

Points Style List

point style selection

7.3 Spreadsheet output

Spreadsheet output can be written to disk. ChemSep User's Guide

Chapter 8. The Options Menu

If you go to the Options item of the main menu and press Enter, the screen may look like this:

options menu

The items in this branch of the main menu are: Solve options This item gives you some control over the simulation programs (F6 jumps here) Units Engineering problems require units. This is where you change them (see F5). Macros Here you can assign special duties to 30 two-key combinations. Interface This option leads to a spreadsheet where you can specify the default settings for text printing, graphical displays, and numerical formatting. Directories Where you tell ChemSep where to look for its data files. Video device This item allows you to choose the video device driver you want to use. Output device Here you let ChemSep know what kind of printer you have. Save options Save all of the above options so that ChemSep can use them again. Load options You can have more than one options file. Use this option to pick and load the settings you want. You may place the Options menu on the screen using one of the following key sequences: Alt-O F10, O Macros are described in detail in Section 3.4. Units are discussed in Section 3.1.4.

8.1 The Solve Options

Press F6 (or locate the cursor on the Solve options item of the Options menu and press Enter) to bring up the Solve options Spreadsheet:

solve options

The Solve Options spreadsheet is for specifying options related to the simulation programs. As a general rule you should not need to change any of the default settings but ChemSep provides the flexibility if you require it.

8.1.1 Initialization

Locate the cursor on the Initialization line and press Enter to bring up a list of available options. Use the cursor keys and Enter to select one of these methods. There are three methods available Initializing the calculations:

The default method is Automatic because it requires no user supplied estimates of any quantity. Read the technical information ( F9) for a discussion of how the initialization is performed for Column simulations.

If you select User supplied you must provide your own initial estimates of the temperatures and/or of the vapour and liquid flows. You may provide estimates of the temperature profile, the flow profiles, or of both flow and temperature profiles. If you supply estimates of the flows then you MUST estimate BOTH vapour AND liquid flows. Estimates of temperatures and flows will be computed automatically if you selected User supplied but forgot to provide any numerical values. Press Enter with the cursor on User supplied to bring up a spreadsheet where you may enter your initial guesses.

user intialization

Previous run is an option that uses the results printed in the SEP file. Naturally, this option will not work for a New problem. However, if the simulation programs fail to find any Old results, they will automatically invoke the Automatic Initialization. Problems with slightly changed specifications are solved much quicker if previous results are used as starting values for a new run. You cannot use Previous run if you change the number of stages in a column simulation.

8.1.2 Method

Column and Flash problems are solved using Newton's method to solve the equations. However, flows, temperatures, and mole fractions are prevented from taking impossible values (i.e. negative values). Technical details of the implementation of Newton's method are available in the files COLUMN.MAN and FLASH.MAN.

8.1.3 Damping

If the straightforward implementation of Newton's method fails you may want to try Damping the corrections that Newton's method would otherwise make if left alone. You may specify different damping factors for each of the quantities listed below:

The adjustments made by the calculation program are mutiplied with the damping factor. Thus, a damping factor of 0.5 causes the calculations to change the variables only half as much as the algorithm would otherwise change them. Do NOT use damping unless you are sure you need it. The number of iterations will increase.

8.1.4 Accuracy

The accuracy is the value of the norm of the function vector below which calculations are considered converged. In view of the fact that SI units are used in COLUMN and FLASH, the default value of the convergence tolerance is 0.000001. You may wish to change this in certain cases to obtain better results for mass and heat balance. ChemSep provides a warning if you specify a value larger than this but will not prevent you from using any value you choose. A value of 0.001 may be sufficient for problems that involve an Enthalpy calculation (i.e. as long as as the selected enthalpy model is not 'None'). Note that TP, PV, and TV flashes do not involve the enthalpy balance.

8.1.5 Number of iteratons

The number of iterations fixes the maximum number of iterations allowed in COLUMN and FLASH before the calculations are terminated. The default number is 30. This should be more than sufficient for most problems. In the event that the maximum number of iterations is exceeded, the most recent set of flows, temperatures, and mole fractions will be written to the SEP file. To enter a value for the convergence tolerance, move the cursor to the accuracy line and type in a new value. The higher the value, the fewer iterations will be needed but the problem may not be truly converged. If you are not certain if a problem has converged, rerun it and print the iteration history to a file. Inspection of the flows, temperatures, and compositions will reveal if the problem has converged or not.

8.1.6 Write History

The central section of the Solve options spreadsheet is concerned with what you see on the screen or is written to a file by the simulation programs. The following items can be printed on the screen or to a file:

The default responses for all of these items is off except for the iteration count and sum of squares. It is probably not a good idea to suppress writing of all items otherwise you might not know if the program is working. Printing the variable and function vectors and the Jacobian matrix is provided for development purposes only and should not be used unless you are very very curious. The Jacobian matrix is printed in block format. Printing the Jacobian matrix will require quite a bit of disk space (or screen time). The iteration history can be printed to the screen, a file, or both. You may select the location for the iteration history to be printed by moving the cursor to the History field pressing Enter and selecting one of the options from the list displayed. Note that if you select file you will have very little idea as to how the calculations are proceeding until the problem has been solved. The name of the file to contain the iteration history should be typed in the History file field. We suggest you use the name of the current SEP file, but use a different extension: ".HIS".

8.1.7 Feeds Type

8.1.8 Temporary file

The column simulation program might need to use a file on disk to write information for temporary use only during the simulation. Specify the name you would like to use for the temporary file in the Temporary file field of the Solve options spreadsheet. The file is deleted automatically when the simulation is complete.

8.1.9 User Program

ChemSep allows you to run a program other than COLUMN or FLASH. You may enter the name of a program that you would like executed in place of these two programs. Enter the full path and extension and any command line parameters. By default, this field is left empty.

8.1.10 User Data

Locate the cursor on the User data field and press Enter to bring up an Edit window. You may type whatever you like in this window. It will be saved in the SEP file but the simulation program will not use any information in this section of the file. For example, you may wish to write what the weather was like when you ran this simulation or which teams won hockey games last weekend. A more practical purpose of User data is to provide a place for you to record problem specific information; the origin of the problem, for example. Any text entered in User data edit window will be saved in the SEP file between the delimiters [User Data] and [End User Data]. The information can be displayed by returning to the User data field of the Solve options spreadsheet.

8.1.11 DOS Extender

Personal computers can operate in two different modes: Protected mode and Real mode. The 286 based PCs usually operate in Real mode. 386 based machines can run protected mode versions of the ChemSep simulation programs if you recieved them when you ordered ChemSep. Protected mode programs require a DOS extender. Protected mode versions of the simulation programs are available for four commercially available DOS extenders: Rational, Phar Lap, Ergo, and CauseWay (the current default). Locate the cursor on the DOS Extender field and press Enter to bring up a list from which you can select the DOS Extender. For 286 machines you should select None.

8.2 Interface settings

Locate the cursor on the Interface item of the Options menu and press Enter to bring up the Interface spreadsheet:

interface settings

In the interface spreadsheet, you may toggle between a set of options that give you a measure of control over the use of the ChemSep interface.

8.2.1 Mouse

The ChemSep interface supports the use of a mouse. Press Enter to toggle between these options. An error message will be generated if you attempt to enable the mouse if a mouse-driver has not been loaded.

8.2.2 Directory facility

Directory listings always include the file name and extension. You may also display the file date and time and the file size. In addition, the directory list may include alternative drive letters so that you can load, edit or view files on other disk drives. Locate the cursor on the appropriate fields and press Enter to turn these options on or off. File names in a directory list may be sorted by name or by date & time. Locate the cursor on the Sort by field and press Enter to toggle between these two options.

8.2.3 Data Checks

The data is checked automatically by selecting the Solve option unless you have elected to suppress this feature. You may turn off the automatic data checking before running a simulation. Data checking does not take very long and although we cannot guarantee to catch all errors, we do not recommend turning off the check facility. Locate the cursor on the appropriate line and press Enter to toggle between these options.

8.2.4 Pure Component Data (PCD) file search

Options to control the searching of pure component data files (those with a PCD extension) can be set in the Interface spreadsheet. ChemSep will search all PCD files unless the Search All option is turned off. ChemSep usually is supplied with just one databank and the Search all option is On. The displayed list of components is not sorted unless the option to do so is turned on. In the event that sorting is enabled, the displayed list of components will be sorted according to the last search criterion. For example, if components are found by name they will be listed in alphabetical order. On the other hand, if they are found by property value, they will be listed in order of increasing value of that property value. The PCD files record just one of the many possible names for any given component. If the PCD file is searched by component name it may not find the component you are looking for if you entered one of the components synonyms. Most common synonyms are recorded in files with a SYN extension. To enable ChemSep to search the SYN file for possible components matching the search criterion (name or name fragment), turn on the Synonym search by specifying the SYN file in the Synonyms File item in the interface window. Locate the cursor on this field and press Enter twice to bring up a directory of SYN files.

synonym file specification

8.2.5 Screen lines

8.2.6 Initialization guess

8.2.7 Numeric format

Real number output can be shown in E-format (scientific notation) or in a variable decimal format. Locate the cursor on the scientific notation field and press Enter to toggle between these options. Numbers that will not fit within the decimal format will be printed in scientfic notation. Trailing zeroes can be removed or displayed. Locate the cursor on the trailing zeroes field and press Enter to toggle between these options. The number of significant digits may also be set in this spreadsheet. To make permanent any change in the numeric format you must Save the configuration file.

8.2.8 Default graphs settings

All Graphs can be configured to your liking after pressing Spacebar when a graph is displayed on the screen. A few options can be set here, however, so that, if you don't like the default settings, you won't have to change them each time you view a graph.

Stages axis: Composition and flow profiles can be viewed with the stages on either the horizontal or vertical axis. Press Enter to toggle between these two options. If the Stages axis is Vertical, the Left axis becomes, in practice the Bottom axis (altough it is still called the Left axis).

Colors: The use of different colors for the various lines can be turned on or off in this spreadsheet. Press Enter to toggle between these options.

Points: Graphs are drawn with lines joing each data point. However, you may determine here whether or not the data points themselves are displayed by special symbols.

8.2.9 Text printing

All tables of results are printed in view windows that can be edited in ChemSep and printed to files or to a printer. Three items in this spreadsheet control how these text windows are printed.

Margin: Enter the number of blank spaces to the left of the text before it is printed.

Lines per page: Enter the number of lines between page breaks. Enter a zero (0) to omit intermediate page breaks.

Extended ASCII: Since some printers cannot print extended ASCII characters (box lines and corners, for example), ChemSep can replace these characters when printing. For example the line (Ž) may be replaced by the minus (-). Note that some special characters cannot be replaced by a visually attractive alternative. Press Enter to toggle between printing and replacing these special characters.

8.2.10 Sections defaults

section defaults

8.2.11 Postscript default settings

postscript default settings

8.3 Directories

Locate the cursor on the Directories item of the Options menu and press Enter to bring up the spreadsheet that records where ChemSep's files are stored:

paths settings

ChemSep's files may be stored in different directories or on different disk drives. This facility was added to make it possible to run ChemSep on computers with no hard disk drive. If you used ChemSep's install program you should not need to change these settings. It is recommended (but not required) that you store the ChemSep files in different directories. It is very important that the directory names be correctly specified otherwise ChemSep will not work as intended. The complete path including the drive letter and colon (:) must be typed in each of these fields.

Device drivers path: Records the name of the directory containing the video and printer drivers (files with a BGI extension).
Help and information path: Records the name of the directory containing the help and information files (CHEMSEP.HLP and *.MAN).

Component data path: Records the name of the directory containing the pure component data files (those with a PCD and SYN extension).

Property data path: Records the name of the directory containing the thermodynamic interaction parameter libraries (those with a IPD extension). The UNIFAC and other group contribution data files should also be located in this directory.

Section data path: Records the name of the directory containing any column design data (files with a SCS extension). These files may be created from ChemSep and are not installed with the program.

Executables path: Records the name of the directory containing the driver program, CS.EXE, the interface, CSxxx!.EXE (xxx is the version number), and the simulation programs with an EXE extension.

Move the cursor to the name of the directory you wish to change. Press Enter and type in the name of the new directory. Press Enter again when you have typed in the new name completely. When you have made all the changes you wish to make press Escape to go back to the settings menu. Use save options to save the directory names and other ChemSep settings.

8.4 Video Device

Locate the cursor on the Video device item of the Options menu and press Enter to bring up a list of video devices supported by ChemSep:

interface settings

ChemSep uses the Borland graphics drivers for any drawing on the screen. The BGI files must be in the directory specified in the directories spreadsheet. For Olivetti users: use the ATT400 option to get a higher resolution picture. The list will display only those drivers that were copied to the hard disk when you installed ChemSep. If the driver you need is not shown you can copy the required driver from the original diskette or run the install program again. Available video drivers are:


8.5 Output Device

Locate the cursor on the Output device item of the Options menu and press Enter to bring up the Output device spreadsheet:

interface settings

The fields of this spreadsheet are reviewed below:

Device: Shows a list of supported output devices. The device drivers were copied to the hard disk when ChemSep was installed. Use the cursor control keys and Enter to choose the device.
Port: Shows a list of output destinations. These include Lpt1, Lpt2, Com1 and Com2. You may also direct the output to a File for copying to the printer direct from the operating system.

Mode: The default printer mode is selected whenever you change the selected output device. Locate the cursor on the Mode field and press Enter to bring up a list of printer mode settings.

Work Path: Locate the cursor on the Work path field and type the directory to be used for temporary files. Press Enter to bring up a directory list. Use the cursor control keys and Enter to select the work path.

8.5.1 Output Devices List

ChemSep uses the device drivers from Fleming software for printing graphic images. BGI files (printer or graphic drivers) available are summarized in the list below. The BGI files must be in the directory specified in the directories spreadsheet.

output devices

The following device drivers are available

          Epson 9-pin dot matrix
          Color Epson 9-pin dot matrix
          Epson 24-pin dot matrix
          Color Epson 24-pin dot matrix
          IBM Proprinter X24
          IBM Quietwriter
          Toshiba 24-pin dot matrix
          Okidata ML-92 dot matrix
          LaserJet II
          LaserJet III
          Color DeskJet
          Hewlett-Packard 7090
          Hewlett-Packard 7470
          Hewlett-Packard 7475
          Hewlett-Packard 7550
          Hewlett-Packard 7585
          Hewlett-Packard 7595
          ZSoft PCX
          Windows 3 BMP
          GEM IMG
          TIFF compressed
          TIFF uncompressed
          ANSI CGM
          AutoCAD DXF
          Video Show
          Word Perfect Graphics
Use the cursor keys and Enter to select one of these printers/plotters. Note that if you normally use a Postscript printer for printing graphs and want to save Tables for editing later with your usual editor or word processor you will want to save the Tables in text format rather than as a Postscript file. Use one of the other printer emulations for saving Tables as text files. We use the Epson dot matrix printer drivers. The list above includes all of the drivers supported by ChemSep. However, the list that you will see includes only those drivers that were copied to the hard disk when you installed ChemSep. If the driver you need is not shown you can copy the required driver from the original diskette or run the install program again.

8.5.2 Printer Port List

interface settings

Use the cursor control keys and Enter to select a destination for printed output. If File is selected you will see a prompt box for you to type in the name of the file. Press Enter to accept the new File.

8.5.3 Printer Mode list

interface settings

Use the cursor control keys and Enter to select a printer mode. Many printers have three basic modes: Full Full page portrait orientation Half half page portrait orientation Land Landscape orientation Other modes may be available for certain printers. Consult the file TECH.MAN for further information on printer modes.

8.6 save Options

Locate the cursor on the Save options item of the Options menu in order to save the current settings for future use. ChemSep's configuration file records the:

To save a ChemSep configuration (CNF) file locate the cursor on Save options and press Enter to bring up a file name prompt box with the default file mask *.CNF:

save options

To create a new configuration file type in the new file name. Press Enter to write the file. If you wish to overwrite an existing CNF file, press Enter a second time to bring up a directory list of all files with a CNF extension. ChemSep will confirm overwriting any existing configuration file. The CHEMSEP.CNF file is the default configuration file which will be loaded at startup. You can specify a different configuration file at startup with the "-cFILENAME" commandline option. If there is no CHEMSEP.CNF in the current directory, the program loads the configuration file from the path where the program resides.

8.7 Load Options

At startup ChemSep loads the default file CHEMSEP.CNF if it is present in the directory from which ChemSep was started. To load a different configuration locate the cursor on the Load options item of the Options menu and press Enter to bring up a file name prompt box with the default configuration file and path.

save options

To load this configuration file press Enter or to load a different file type the path and full name. If you use any wildcards (for example "*.CNF") a file listing will appear from where you can select the configuration file to load. The default extension for configuration files is CNF.

ChemSep User's Guide

Chapter 9. Example 1. Equilibrium Flash of an Eight Component Mixture

An important problem in chemical engineering is to determine the phase of a mixture at a particular temperature and pressure. Related problems include the calculation of the boiling point or dew point temperatures (or pressures) of a particular mixture. With help of an example from the chemical engineering literature we explore ChemSep's Input and Results menus for Flash problems. The problem is from a paper by T. Gundersen, "Numerical Aspects of the Implementation of Cubic Equations of State in Flash Calculation Routines" (Comp. Chem. Eng., 6, pp245-255, 1982) although many others have used the problem for testing methods of performing flash calculations. We are asked to determine the vapour fraction of an eight component natural gas mixture at a pressure of 100 atm and a temperature of 250 K. The composition of the mixture is given below in the ChemSep summary of the complete problem specification. Compare the information printed below with what you will see in the ChemSep menus and spreadsheets.

 Flash C:\CS2\8COMP.SEP
  EOS K model
  Soave-RK Cubic EOS
  Excess Enthalpy
  Feed                              1
   Pressure (atm)              1.0000
   Vapour fraction (Ä)
   Temperature (K)             298.15
   Component flows (mol/s)
   Nitrogen                 0.0054000
   Methane                    0.72800
   Ethane                    0.054600
   Propane                   0.030200
   n-Butane                  0.030700
   n-Pentane                 0.068800
   n-Hexane                  0.043800
   n-Heptane                 0.038500
  Flash Pressure & temperature
   Pressure 100.00 (atm)
   Temperature 250.00 (K)
Press F3 to bring up the Load option of the File menu. Type *.SEP (if that is not displayed at the end of the path) and press Enter to bring up a Directory of the SEP files on disk. This particular problem is contained in the file 8COMP.SEP. Press 8 to bring the cursor to the first file whose name begins with an 8 and press Enter to Load the file. Since this file contains results, the cursor jumps to the Results menu. We will explore the results to this flash problem shortly. First, however, we will review the Input. Press Alt-I and then C to go the Components menu. On the right hand side of the screen we see the list of selected components.

 ChemSep 2.0
      File          Input          Results        Options          Quit
              ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿                              ÚÄ< Components >Ä¿
              ³ Components     ³                              ³ Nitrogen       ³
              ³ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³                              ³ Methane        ³
              ³³ Select      ³ ³                              ³ Ethane         ³
              ³³ Delete      ³ ³                              ³ Propane        ³
              ³³ Substitute  ³ ³                              ³ n-Butane       ³
              À³ Reorder     ³ÄÙ                              ³ n-Pentane      ³
               ³ Save set    ³                                ³ n-Hexane       ³
               ³ Load set    ³                                ³ n-Heptane      ³
               ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´                                ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ
               ³ Return      ³
 F1:Help F2:Last help F3:Load F4:Save F5:Units F6:Options F9:Info F10:Main menu
Press R to clear the list and go back to the previous menu. Now go to Operation and press Enter. The screen will look like this (with the cursor located on Flash).

 ChemSep 2.0
      File          Input          Results        Options          Quit
              ³ Components     ³
              ³ Operation      ³
           ³ Flash                 ³
           ³ Column                ³
           ³ Return                ³
 F1:Help F2:Last help F3:Load F4:Save F5:Units F6:Options F9:Info F10:Main menu
With the cursor on Flash press Enter to accept the Flash operation. A small prompt box appears asking for the number of feeds. The answer we gave when setting up this problem was 1 (as it would normally be).

           ³ Flash                 ³
           ³³ Number of feeds: 1   ³
           ³ Return                ³
Entering a number of feeds greater than one is useful for carrying out mass and energy balances for stream mixers. Press R to Return to the Input menu. The cursor should be located on Properties. Press Enter to bring up the K-models menu:

            ³ K model              ³
            ³ Raoult's law         ³
            ³ EOS                  ³
            ³ Gamma-Phi            ³
            ³ DECHEMA              ³
            ³ Chao-Seader          ³
            ³ Polynomial           ³
            ³ Return               ³
As with the depropanizer, we have selected the EOS model as this was the model used by Gundersen (it is, of course, the most appropriate model for this system). Pressing Enter brings up the EOS menu:

           ³ Cubic EOS            ³
           ³ Soave-RK             ³
           ³ API-SRK              ³
           ³ Peng-Robinson        ³
Gundersen used the Soave-Redlich-Kwong (SRK) EOS. With the cursor on Soave-RK, press Enter and return to the Properties menu. The cursor should now be located on the Enthalpy option. Press Enter to bring up the Enthalpy menu and Enter another time to accept the Excess enthalpy model. The cursor should now be located on Load data. Press Enter to bring up the following menu:

             ³ Load data for: ³
             ³ Cubic EOS      ³
             ³ Return         ³
In this case there is only one model in this list, the Cubic EOS. Press Enter to go to the spreadsheet where you can enter the data:

 ChemSep 2.0
      File          Input          Results        Options          Quit
³ Cubic EOS: Soave-RK (Ä)                                  ³
³ Component i            Component j            kij        ³
³ Nitrogen               Methane                *          ³
³ Nitrogen               Ethane                 *          ³
³ Nitrogen               Propane                *          ³
³ Nitrogen               n-Butane               *          ³
³ Nitrogen               n-Pentane              *          ³
³ Nitrogen               n-Hexane               *          ³
³ Nitrogen               n-Heptane              *          ³
³ Methane                Ethane                 *          ³
³ Methane                Propane                *          ³
³ Methane                n-Butane               *          ³
³ Methane                n-Pentane              *          ³
³ Methane                n-Hexane               *          ³
³ Methane                n-Heptane              *          ³
³ Reset                  Library                Return     ³
 F1:Help F2:Last help F3:Load F4:Save F5:Units F6:Options F9:Info F10:Main menu
Not all of the interaction parameters that can be entered for this system are listed in this screen image. The window simply is not large enough to show the entire spreadsheet on one screen. Press PgDn to see some more of the spreadsheet.

 ChemSep 2.0
      File          Input          Results        Options          Quit
³ Cubic EOS: Soave-RK (Ä)                                  ³
³ Component i            Component j            kij        ³
³ Methane                n-Hexane               *          ³
³ Methane                n-Heptane              *          ³
³ Ethane                 Propane                *          ³
³ Ethane                 n-Butane               *          ³
³ Ethane                 n-Pentane              *          ³
³ Ethane                 n-Hexane               *          ³
³ Ethane                 n-Heptane              *          ³
³ Propane                n-Butane               *          ³
³ Propane                n-Pentane              *          ³
³ Propane                n-Hexane               *          ³
³ Propane                n-Heptane              *          ³
³ n-Butane               n-Pentane              *          ³
³ n-Butane               n-Hexane               *          ³
³ Reset                  Library                Return     ³
 F1:Help F2:Last help F3:Load F4:Save F5:Units F6:Options F9:Info F10:Main menu
As in the previous example, it is possible to set all of these parameters to zero and obtain acceptable results. This means we can leave the * as the default zeroes. Move the cursor to the Return field and press Enter twice. The cursor should now be located on the Specifications option of the Input menu. Press Enter to bring up this screen:

 ChemSep 2.0
      File          Input          Results        Options          Quit
              ³ Components     ³
              ³ Operation      ³
              ³ Properties     ³
              ³ Specifications ³
              ³ SoÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿   ³
              ÀÄÄÄ´ Feeds  ÃÄÄÄÙ
                  ³ Flash  ³
                  ³ Return ³
 F1:Help F2:Last help F3:Load F4:Save F5:Units F6:Options F9:Info F10:Main menu
Press F to bring up the feed spreadsheet:

     ³ Feed                 1           ³
     ³ State:               T & P       ³
     ³  Pressure (atm)      1.00000     ³
     ³  Vapour fraction (Ä)             ³
     ³  Temperature (K)     298.150     ³
     ³ Flowrates (mol/s)                ³
     ³ Propane              0.030200    ³
     ³ n-Butane             0.030700    ³
     ³ n-Pentane            0.068800    ³
     ³ n-Hexane             0.043800    ³
     ³ n-Heptane            0.038500    ³
     ³ Total flowrate       1.00000     ³
     ³ Insert    Delete     Return      ³
The central portion of this spreadsheet lists the component feed flows. In fact, we have entered the mole fractions (the actual flows and their units are not relevant when it comes to determining the vapour fraction of this mixture). This spreadsheet is not long enough to show the feed flows for all eight components. Use PgUp and PgDn to see all the component flows (mole fractions). Note that the actual flow rates are not particularly relevant in this problem. We need to determine the phase condition of the eight component mixture so we have entered the mole fractions of all components as the feed flows (in whatever units were last selected). The mole fractions sum to unity (as they must). Remove this spreadsheet from the screen, locate the cursor on the Flash option, and press Enter to bring up the Flash specification spreadsheet:

     ³ Flash                            ³
     ³ Flash type            PT         ³
     ³ Pressure (atm)        100.00     ³
     ³ Temperature (K)       250.00     ³
     ³ Vapour flow (mol/s)              ³
     ³ Liquid flow (mol/s)              ³
     ³ Heat duty (J/s)                  ³
     ³                       Return     ³
This window summarizes the two important specifications for the flash; the pressure and temperature. The first field of this spreadsheet indicates the flash type. The other two fields are adjacent to the two variables indicated on the top line. Locate the cursor on the top field and press Enter. You will see this list of available flash types:

      ³ Pressure & temperature    ³
      ³ Pressure & vapour flow    ³
      ³ Pressure & liquid flow    ³
      ³ Pressure & heat duty      ³
      ³ Temperature & vapour flow ³
      ³ Temperature & liquid flow ³
      ³ Temperature & heat duty   ³
      ³ Vapour flow & heat duty   ³
      ³ Liquid flow & heat duty   ³
Each line of this list identifies two variables from among the vapour flow, the liquid flow, the flash temperature, the flash pressure, and the heat duty. The cursor control keys and Enter may be used to select the flash type. With the cursor on the top line of this list press Enter to accept the option already selected. With the Pressure & temperature specified as shown above, the input is complete. Now we should be ready to Solve this problem. We could locate the cursor on Solve and press Enter to initiate the solution process. On the other hand, we could try holding down the Alt key and pressing S. ChemSep will ask us if we want to overwrite the current file. Press Y to agree to this suggestion. ChemSep's shell program, CS, will load the simulation program, Flash, a window will appear in the center of the screen, and you will see something like this:

 ChemSep 2.00
      File          Input          Results        Options          Quit
 C:8COMP.SEP 8 seconds 6 iterations
              ³ Components     ³
              ³ Operation      ³
         ³                                                           ³
         ³                                                           ³
         ³ ChemSep / Flash Version 2.0A                              ³
         ³ Copyright(c) H.Kooijman, A. Haket, R.Taylor, 1989-91      ³
         ³                                                           ³
         ³ Checking data file C:\CS2\8COMP.SEP                       ³
         ³ Reading pure component property libraries                 ³
         ³ Reading thermodynamic property options and data           ³
         ³ Determining feed conditions                               ³
         ³                                                           ³
         ³                                                           ³
 F1:Help F2:Last help F3:Load F4:Save F5:Units F6:Options F9:Info F10:Main menu
A very short time later, after Flash has completed its reading of the data files and input information, it will begin the calculations. This calculation does not take very long at all (even on a slow computer). When the calculations are complete you should see something like this:
 ChemSep 2.00
      File          Input          Results        Options          Quit
 C:8COMP.SEP 8 seconds 6 iterations
              ³ Components     ³
              ³ Operation      ³
         ³                                                           ³
         ³             2              4.9549E-03                     ³
         ³             3              1.5876E-03                     ³
         ³             4              6.9533E-06                     ³
         ³             5              2.3463E-10                     ³
         ³             6              4.2639E-16                     ³
         ³                                                           ³
         ³ Convergence obtained in   6 iterations                    ³
         ³                                                           ³
         ³                                                           ³
         ³                                                           ³
 F1:Help F2:Last help F3:Load F4:Save F5:Units F6:Options F9:Info F10:Main menu
The shell program will reload the interface and read in both input and results and the cursor will jump to the Results menu:

 ChemSep 2.0
      File          Input          Results        Options          Quit
                         ³ Mass and Energy Balances ³
                         ³ K-Values                 ³
                         ³ Streams                  ³
                         ³ Specifications           ³
                         ³ Return                   ³
 F1:Help F2:Last help F3:Load F4:Save F5:Units F6:Options F9:Info F10:Main menu
Locate the cursor on Streams and press Enter to bring up the stream table:

 ChemSep 2.00
      File          Input          Results        Options          Quit
 C:8COMP.SEP 8 seconds 6 iterations
³ L1 C1                                                                        ³
³                                                                              ³
³ Stream                         Feed 1         Top      Bottom                ³
³                                                                              ³
³ Pressure (atm)                 1.0000      100.00      100.00                ³
³ Vapour fraction (Ä)            1.0000      1.0000      0.0000                ³
³ Temperature (K)                298.15      250.00      250.00                ³
³ Enthalpy (J/mol)              -41.226     -5073.4      -16157                ³
³                                                                              ³
³ Mole flows (mol/s)                                                           ³
³ Nitrogen                     0.005400    0.003421    0.001980                ³
³ Methane                        0.7280      0.3404      0.3876                ³
³ Ethane                        0.05460     0.01233     0.04227                ³
³ Propane                       0.03020    0.003616     0.02658                ³
³ n-Butane                      0.03070    0.001841     0.02886                ³
³ n-Pentane                     0.06880    0.002044     0.06676                ³
³ n-Hexane                      0.04380   0.0006458     0.04315                ³
³ n-Heptane                     0.03850   0.0002899     0.03821                ³
 Alt-N:Next Alt-P:Previous Alt-E:Edit Ctrl-P:Print
The results window is not large enough to accommodate all of this table. Use Up, Down, PgUp, and PgDn to scroll the table. You can Edit this table after pressing Alt-E and print it by pressing Ctrl-P. The complete set of Tables are reproduced below. You will see from the Stream table that this particular mixture is 36.41% vapour at 100 atm and 250 K. As an exercise in the use of ChemSep, determine the vapour fraction at several other temperatures. It is important to know that there are certain combinations of temperature and pressure (or other variables) where ChemSep will not be able to find a solution. Sometimes this is due to limitations of our program. More often, however, it will be because there is no solution.

 Mass and Energy Balances
 Stream / Apparatus                  Mass (mol/s)        Energy (J/s)
 Feed 1                                     1.0000             -41.226
 Top                                      -0.36461              1849.8
 Bottom                                   -0.63539               10266
 Flash Duty                                                     -12075
                                       ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ +       ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ +
 Balance                                5.8208E-08          -0.0078125
 Component discrepancies (mol/s)
 Nitrogen                               -6.104E-10
 Methane                                1.6772E-07
 Ethane                                 2.1872E-08
 Propane                                3.3630E-08
 n-Butane                               2.4888E-08
 n-Pentane                              1.8051E-07
 n-Hexane                               1.3717E-08
 n-Heptane                              2.0399E-08
 Nitrogen                                     3.0113
 Methane                                      1.5307
 Ethane                                      0.50812
 Propane                                     0.23701
 n-Butane                                    0.11114
 n-Pentane                                  0.053366
 n-Hexane                                   0.026077
 n-Heptane                                  0.013220
Stream Summary Table
 Stream                         Feed 1         Top      Bottom
 Pressure (atm)                 1.0000      100.00      100.00
 Vapour fraction (Ä)            1.0000      1.0000     0.00000
 Temperature (K)                298.15      250.00      250.00
 Enthalpy (J/mol)              -41.226     -5073.4      -16157
 Mole flows (mol/s)
 Nitrogen                    0.0054000   0.0034205   0.0019795
 Methane                       0.72800     0.34043     0.38757
 Ethane                       0.054600    0.012326    0.042274
 Propane                      0.030200   0.0036156    0.026584
 n-Butane                     0.030700   0.0018406    0.028859
 n-Pentane                    0.068800   0.0020443    0.066756
 n-Hexane                     0.043800  0.00064575    0.043154
 n-Heptane                    0.038500  0.00028986    0.038210
 Total molar flow               1.0000     0.36461     0.63539
 Mole fractions (Ä)
 Nitrogen                    0.0054000   0.0093813   0.0031154
 Methane                       0.72800     0.93367     0.60998
 Ethane                       0.054600    0.033806    0.066532
 Propane                      0.030200   0.0099164    0.041839
 n-Butane                     0.030700   0.0050482    0.045420
 n-Pentane                    0.068800   0.0056068     0.10506
 n-Hexane                     0.043800   0.0017711    0.067918
 n-Heptane                    0.038500  0.00079499    0.060136
 Mass flows (kg/s)
 Nitrogen                   0.00015127  9.5820E-05  5.5453E-05
 Methane                      0.011679   0.0054614   0.0062178
 Ethane                      0.0016418  0.00037064   0.0012712
 Propane                     0.0013317  0.00015944   0.0011723
 n-Butane                    0.0017844  0.00010698   0.0016774
 n-Pentane                   0.0049639  0.00014749   0.0048164
 n-Hexane                    0.0037746  5.5649E-05   0.0037189
 n-Heptane                   0.0038579  2.9045E-05   0.0038288
 Total mass flow              0.029185   0.0064264    0.022758
 Mass fractions (Ä)
 Nitrogen                    0.0051833    0.014910   0.0024366
 Methane                       0.40018     0.84983     0.27321
 Ethane                       0.056256    0.057674    0.055855
 Propane                      0.045631    0.024809    0.051510
 n-Butane                     0.061141    0.016647    0.073705
 n-Pentane                     0.17009    0.022951     0.21163
 n-Hexane                      0.12933   0.0086594     0.16341
 n-Heptane                     0.13219   0.0045196     0.16824
ChemSep User's Guide

Chapter 10. Example 2. A Depropanizer

This example is based on a problem coined by Professor Hans Wesselingh. The depropanizer is a high pressure column for separating propane (and more volatile components) from butane (and heavier components). The complete problem specification is given below. It may be worth noting here that this summary was produced by ChemSep (by pressing F8, deleting a few lines of irrelevant information, and pressing Ctrl-P).

  Simple Distillation
  Partial (Vapour product) Condenser
  Partial (Liquid product) Reboiler
  20 Stages
  Feeds to stages 10
  EOS K model
  Peng-Robinson Cubic EOS
  Excess Enthalpy
  Column pressure
   Condenser pressure 20.000 (bar)
   Top pressure 20.000 (bar)
  Default efficiency = 1.0000 (Ä)
  Feed                              1
   Stage                           10
   Pressure (bar)              20.000
   Vapour fraction (Ä)
   Temperature (K)             298.15
   Component flows (mol/s)
   Ethane                      100.00
   Propane                     300.00
   n-Butane                    500.00
   n-Pentane                   100.00
   Reflux ratio = 2.0000 (Ä)
   Bottom product flow rate = 600.00 (mol/s)
Load the file DEPROP.SEP as described in the section on ChemSep's Directory Facility. Before we begin the tour of the Input menu, press F8 to display a window containing the summary shown above. Use PgUp and PgDn to scroll the summary window. Press Escape to clear the summary. Use the cursor control keys to go the Input menu. The screen should look like this:

 ChemSep 2.0
      File          Input          Results        Options
              ³ Components     ³
              ³ Operation      ³
              ³ Properties     ³
              ³ Specifications ³
              ³ Solve          ³
 F1:Help F2:Last help F3:Load F4:Save F5:Units F6:Options F9:Info F10:Main menu
With the cursor positioned on Components, press Enter (or C) to obtain the following screen:

 ChemSep 2.0
      File          Input          Results        Options
 C:DEPROP.SEP (New problem)
              ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿                              ÚÄ< Components >Ä¿
              ³ Components     ³                              ³ Ethane         ³
              ³ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³                              ³ Propane        ³
              ³³ Select      ³ ³                              ³ n-Butane       ³
              ³³ Delete      ³ ³                              ³ n-Pentane      ³
              ³³ Substitute  ³ ³                              ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ
              À³ Reorder     ³ÄÙ
               ³ Save set    ³
               ³ Load set    ³
               ³ Return      ³
 F1:Help F2:Last help F3:Load F4:Save F5:Units F6:Options F9:Info F10:Main menu
The box in the upper right hand corner lists the components that have already been selected. Adding (or removing) components from the list in the top right is fully described in the Components section of the User's Guide. We used Select by Family to load the four components in this problem. Remember to use the Escape key if you think you are stuck somewhere with nowhere to go. Escape will always let you go back one level (until you get to the Main menu). Now accept the Return option in the Components menu. This will send you back one menu level and place the cursor on the next item in that menu. Press Enter to bring up the Operation menu:

           ³ Flash                 ³
           ³ Column                ³
           ³ Return                ³
The cursor should be on Column. Remember that the cursor is located on the last menu option accepted when we go to a new menu. That is why we can walk through the input menu simply by pressing Enter. With the cursor on Column, press Enter (or press C) to bring up the Operation spreadsheet:

         ³ Operation         Simple Distillation         ³
         ³ Condenser         Partial (Vapour product)    ³
         ³ Reboiler          Partial (Liquid product)    ³
         ³ Stages            20                          ³
         ³ Feed stages       10                          ³
         ³ Sidestream stages                             ³
         ³                   Return                      ³
The Operation spreadsheet summarizes the column configuration and its basic purpose. Locate the cursor on each of the fields in this window and press Enter. You will find that, in common with many other ChemSep spreadsheets, some of the fields lead to other menus or lists from which you must select an appropriate option. Other fields require you to type in a number. In the Operation window, the first three items lead to lists whereas the last three require you to type in numbers. In this case, there is no need to enter anything in the last field which explains why it is empty (see, however, the extractive distillation example). Compare the information in this window to that listed in the summary specification given at the start of this problem. Use the Help system (F1, F2) to learn more about the items in this spreadsheet. When you are clear on the purpose of all of these items, move the cursor to the Return field and press Enter. This action will return you to the Input menu with the cursor located on the Properties option. Press Enter to display the following menu:

            ³ Equilibrium models  ³
            ³ Enthalpy            ³
            ³ Load data           ³
            ³ Return              ³
Locate the cursor on the Equilibrium Models option (it should be there) and press Enter (or press E) to obtain the K-models menu:

            ³ K model              ³
            ³ Raoult's law         ³
            ³ EOS                  ³
            ³ Gamma-Phi            ³
            ³ DECHEMA              ³
            ³ Chao-Seader          ³
            ³ Polynomial           ³
            ³ Return               ³
Each item in this menu represents a method for computing K-values. In this case we selected the EOS model as the most appropriate so the cursor should be on that line. Press Enter to bring up the Cubic EOS menu:

           ³ Cubic EOS            ³
           ³ Soave-RK             ³
           ³ API-SRK              ³
           ³ Peng-Robinson        ³
Any of these models can be used for this simulation. We selected the Peng-Robinson model. It is left as an exercise for you to see if the other models make a difference. Selection of the EOS brings you back to the Properties menu with the cursor on Enthalpy. Press Enter to see the list of enthalpy models:

         ³ Enthalpy     ³
         ³ None         ³
         ³ Ideal        ³
         ³ Excess       ³
         ³ Polynomial   ³
         ³ User defined ³
We have selected Excess (as we do in most cases) as it is the most complete method of calculating enthalpies available in ChemSep. Use the Help system (F1) to learn more about these models. With the cursor on Excess press Enter (or press E) to accept the enthalpy model and return to the properties menu. To complete our review of the Properties menu go to the Load data option (the cursor should be there) and press Enter. This brings up a menu that lists the models for which you must enter parameters.

             ³ Load data for: ³
             ³ Cubic EOS      ³
             ³ Return         ³
In this case there is only one model in this list, the Cubic EOS. Press Enter to bring up a spreadsheet where you can enter the necessary data:

      ³ Cubic EOS: Peng-Robinson (Ä)                             ³
      ³ Component i            Component j            kij        ³
      ³ Ethane                 Propane                *          ³
      ³ Ethane                 n-Butane               *          ³
      ³ Ethane                 n-Pentane              *          ³
      ³ Propane                n-Butane               *          ³
      ³ Propane                n-Pentane              *          ³
      ³ n-Butane               n-Pentane              *          ³
      ³ Reset                  Library                Return     ³
Notice that this window identifies the model selected earlier (Peng-Robinson). The Units of the parameters are shown between () after the model name. (-) means the parameters are dimensionless. There is an asterisk (*) in each place where parameters must be entered. ChemSep recognizes the * as the default value when it does its calculations. In this particular spreadsheet the default value for the * is zero (note that * does not mean zero in all spreadsheets). As it happens, it is possible to set all of these parameters to zero to obtain acceptable results. Since it is not actually necessary to enter zeroes in this spreadsheet, use the cursor control keys to go to the Return field and press Enter. This will bring us to the Specifications menu:

            ³ Analysis        ³
            ³ Pressures       ³
            ³ Heaters/Coolers ³
            ³ Efficiencies    ³
            ³ Feeds           ³
            ³ Condenser       ³
            ³ Reboiler        ³
            ³ Return          ³
Use the cursor control keys and F1 (Help) to explore each of these items. You do not need to read the Analysis screen although it may be interesting. For this example it looks like this:

³  ChemSep requires the following to be specified:                             ³
³   - The number of stages (1)                                                 ³
³   - The location of all feeds (1)                                            ³
³   - The location of all sidestreams (0)                                      ³
³   - For each feed stream you must specify                                    ³
³       the component flows (4) and                                            ³
³       two of the temperature, pressure and vapor fraction (2)                ³
³   - The pressure in each stage (18)                                          ³
³   - The heat duty on each stage except reboilers and condensers (18),        ³
³     the heat duty will be assumed to be zero unless specified differently    ³
³   - The pressure in the condenser (1)                                        ³
³   - For the condenser you must select one variable to specify (1)            ³
³   - The pressure in the reboiler (1)                                         ³
³   - For the reboiler you must select one variable to specify (1)             ³
³                                                                              ³
³  Therefore, the total number of degrees of freedom is 48.                    ³
³                                                                              ³
³  Press  to continue,  for explanation                            ³
The numbers in parentheses represent the numbers of degrees of freedom. The total number of degrees of freedom is the sum of the numbers in parentheses. Press F1 to find out how the number of degrees of freedom has been calculated. The Pressure spreadsheet looks like this:

       ³ Pressures (bar)                             ³
       ³ Condenser pressure  20.000                  ³
       ³ Column pressure     Constant pressure       ³
       ³ Top pressure        20.000                  ³
       ³ Pressure Drop                               ³
       ³ Bottom pressure                             ³
       ³                     Return                  ³
The second line in this window indicates the method of determining the pressure profile in the column. Locate the cursor on line two and press Enter to bring up the following list of options:

       ³ Constant pressure       ³
       ³ Bottom & top pressures  ³
       ³ Fixed pressure drop     ³
       ³ Estimated pressure drop ³
Press Enter to accept our choice of Constant pressure. The choice you make here determines how many fields in the Pressure spreadsheet need to be filled in. In this case, only the pressure at the top of the column need be specified so only the Top pressure field is active. With the cursor on the Return field, press Enter to return to the Specifications menu. Press H to display the Heaters/Coolers spreadsheet:

           ³ Heaters/Coolers        ³
           ³ Stage   Duty (J/s)     ³
           ³ Insert  Delete  Return ³
ChemSep allows you to specify the heat duty of any stage. The default value of the heat duties is zero (except for the heat duties of Condensers and Reboilers which, if they are specified at all, are specified in their own spreadsheets). The Heaters/Coolers spreadsheet shown here has no numerical entries. This means that the default value is used for all stages. The cursor should be located on the Return field. Press Enter to go back to the Specifications menu. With the cursor on Efficiencies press Enter to display the following spreadsheet:

           ³ Murphree Efficiencies  ³
           ³ Stage   Efficiency (Ä) ³
           ³ Default 1.0000         ³
           ³ Insert  Delete  Return ³
This spreadsheet lets you know that the default value of the Murphree efficiency is unity for all stages. Additional lines appear in this spreadsheet whenever you wish to specify unequal efficiencies on different stages. Consult the Efficiencies spreadsheet for a more detailed description of how to specify differing efficiencies. Locate the cursor on the Return field and press Enter to go back to the Specification menu. The cursor should be located on Feeds. Press Enter to bring up the Feeds spreadsheet looks like this.

      ³ Feed                 1           ³
      ³ Feed stage           10          ³
      ³ State:               T & P       ³
      ³  Pressure (bar)      20.000      ³
      ³  Vapour fraction (Ä)             ³
      ³  Temperature (K)     298.15      ³
      ³ Flowrates (mol/s)                ³
      ³ Ethane               100.00      ³
      ³ Propane              300.00      ³
      ³ n-Butane             500.0       ³
      ³ n-Pentane            100.00      ³
      ³ Total flowrate       1000.0      ³
      ³ Insert    Delete     Return      ³
Use the cursor control keys and Enter to explore this spreadsheet. Notice that you can Insert and Delete feeds here as well as in the Operation spreadsheet. Changes to feed numbers and stage locations made in this menu are reflected in the Operations spreadsheet. When you are sure you understand all of the items in the Feeds spreadsheet, locate the cursor on the Return field and press Enter. You will be returned to the Specifications menu and the cursor will be located on Condenser. Press Enter once more to bring up the Top product / condenser specification spreadsheet:

³ Top product / condenser                     Reflux ratio                     ³
³ Reflux ratio (Ä)                            2.5000                           ³
³ Heat duty of condenser (J/s)                                                 ³
³ Temperature of condensate ( C)                                               ³
³ Distillate flow rate (mol/s)                                                 ³
³ Reflux flow rate (mol/s)                                                     ³
³ Component flow (mol/s)                                                       ³
³ Mole fraction of a component (Ä)                                             ³
³ Component recovery (Ä)                                                       ³
³ Fraction of combined feeds recovered (Ä)                                     ³
³ Split between two components (Ä)                                             ³
³                                             Return                           ³
The left hand column of this spreadsheet lists the top product condenser specifications that can be selected. The top field in right hand column identifies which of these options has been selected. In the field to the right of the appropriate option is the numerical value of the specified quantity. With the cursor on the top right field press Enter to display the menu of possible specifications:

³ Reflux ratio                         ³
³ Heat duty of condenser               ³
³ Temperature of condensate            ³
³ Distillate flow rate                 ³
³ Reflux flow rate                     ³
³ Component flow                       ³
³ Mole fraction of a component         ³
³ Component recovery                   ³
³ Fraction of combined feeds recovered ³
³ Split between two components         ³
Press F1 to learn more about each of these options. With the cursor on the top line, press Enter (or press R) to accept the Reflux ratio specification. You will return to the top product / condesner specification spreadsheet and the cursor should be located on the field where the numerical value of the specification is entered. In this example we have chosen to specify the Reflux ratio at 2.5. Locate the cursor on the Return field and press Enter to return to the Specifications menu. The cursor should be located on Reboiler. Press Enter to bring up the Bottom product / reboiler specification spreadsheet:

³ Bottom product / reboiler                   Bottom product flow rate         ³
³ Boilup ratio (Ä)                                                             ³
³ Heat duty of reboiler (J/s)                                                  ³
³ Temperature of reboiler ( C)                                                 ³
³ Bottom product flow rate (mol/s)            600.00                           ³
³ Reboiled vapour flow (mol/s)                                                 ³
³ Component flow (mol/s)                                                       ³
³ Mole fraction of a component (Ä)                                             ³
³ Component recovery (Ä)                                                       ³
³ Fraction of combined feeds recovered (Ä)                                     ³
³ Split between two components (Ä)                                             ³
³                                             Return                           ³
This spreadsheet is organized in the same way as the top product / condenser specification spreadsheet. The top right field identifies the chosen specification. With the cursor on the top right field, press Enter to display the menu of options:

        ³ Boilup ratio                         ³
        ³ Heat duty of reboiler                ³
        ³ Temperature of reboiler              ³
        ³ Bottom product flow rate             ³
        ³ Reboiled vapour flow                 ³
        ³ Component flow                       ³
        ³ Mole fraction of a component         ³
        ³ Component recovery                   ³
        ³ Fraction of combined feeds recovered ³
        ³ Split between two components         ³
As in the condenser specification menu, the cursor is located on the last specification made. In this example, the Bottom product flow rate is specified (consult the summary again). With the cursor on the fourth option of this list, press Enter (or press o) to select this option and return to the Bottom product/ reboiler specification spreadsheet. The cursor should be located on a field adjacent to Bottom product in the spreadsheet. In this example, the bottom product rate has been set to 600 mol/s. With the cursor on the Return field, press Enter to return to the Specifications menu. We have completed our review of the input procedure. The cursor should be located on the Return option so press Enter (or R) to return to the Input menu. The cursor will be located on the Solve item and that is the only thing left for us to do. Press Enter one more time. This last action initiates the solution process. The first thing done is that ChemSep checks for any missing or obviously inconsistent data. Message boxes informing you of any such oversights will appear only as needed and you will be taken directly to the place where you should enter the missing data. In this case there should be no messages of this kind since we created the example for you. If you changed something (either by accident or by design) you may see a warning message if your change leads to some inconsistency that the program can detect. Once the data are verified, ChemSep writes it to a file. You may be asked to verify if a file name is to be overwritten or not. If not, you need to go to the File menu and save the file under a new name. The next thing that will happen is that the ChemSep shell, CS, calls up the appropriate simulation program to solve the problem. A window appears in the center of the screen and the simulation program writes messages there to let you know the current status of the calculations. A short time after loading the simulation program the screen will look something like this:

 ChemSep 2.0
      File          Input          Results        Options          Quit
              ³ Components     ³
              ³ Operation      ³
         ³                                                           ³
         ³ ChemSep / Column Version 2.0A                             ³
         ³ Copyright(c) A.Haket, H.Kooijman, R.Taylor, 1989-91       ³
         ³                                                           ³
         ³ Checking data file C:\CS2\DEPROP.SEP                      ³
         ³ Reading column configuration                              ³
         ³ Reading pure component property libraries                 ³
         ³ Reading thermodynamic property options and data           ³
         ³ Parameters missing - set to zero                          ³
         ³ Reading column specifications                             ³
         ³                                                           ³
 F1:Help F2:Last help F3:Load F4:Save F5:Units F6:Options F9:Info F10:Main menu
Later on, when the simulation program is doing calculations (rather than reading the input files and databanks) the screen might look something like this:

 ChemSep 2.0
      File          Input          Results        Options          Quit
              ³ Components     ³
              ³ Operation      ³
         ³                                                           ³
         ³                                                           ³
         ³      Iteration            Sum of squares                  ³
         ³                                                           ³
         ³         0                   9.0628E+06                    ³
         ³         1                   7.4113E+04                    ³
         ³         2                   2.4542E+03                    ³
         ³         3                   4.6203E+01                    ³
         ³         4                   1.4788E-01                    ³
         ³         5                   1.0237E-05                    ³
         ³                                                           ³
 F1:Help F2:Last help F3:Load F4:Save F5:Units F6:Options F9:Info F10:Main menu
When the calculations are complete, the program will inform you of this fact, the interface reloads the input data together with the results and jumps to the Results menu. In this example the screen looks like this:

 C:DEPROP.SEP 78 seconds 6 iterations
                               ³ Graphs      ³
                               ³ Tables      ³
                               ³ Spreadsheet ³
Notice that the file line now includes the number of iterations required to obtain convergence and the time taken. It should be pointed out that the time reported on the file line should not be used as a measure of the time taken to perform the numerical calculations. The time reported also includes the time taken to load the simulation program and reload the interface into memory. The time taken for these two actions varies from computer to computer. With the cursor located on the Tables option press Enter to obtain a list of the tables that can be reviewed:

          ³ Mass and Energy Balances ³
          ³ T/P/Flow profiles        ³
          ³ Component profiles       ³
          ³ Streams                  ³
          ³ Specifications           ³
          ³ Return                   ³
This is what the screen looks like for the depropanizer when you go the Streams option and press Enter.

 ChemSep 2.0
      File          Input          Results        Options          Quit
 C:DEPROP.SEP 78 seconds 6 iterations
³ L1 C1                                                                        ³
³                                                                              ³
³ Stream                         Feed 1         Top      Bottom                ³
³                                                                              ³
³ Stage                              10           1          20                ³
³ Pressure (bar)                 20.000      20.000      20.000                ³
³ Vapour fraction (Ä)            0.0000      1.0000      0.0000                ³
³ Temperature (K)                298.15       321.5       392.6                ³
³ Enthalpy (J/mol)               -19280     -449.22     -6217.1                ³
³                                                                              ³
³ Mole flows (mol/s)                                                           ³
³ Ethane                         100.00      100.00    0.003601                ³
³ Propane                        300.00      290.13       9.874                ³
³ n-Butane                        500.0       9.876       490.1                ³
³ n-Pentane                      100.00   0.0010369      100.00                ³
³                                                                              ³
³ Total molar flow               1000.0       400.0       600.0                ³
³                                                                              ³
 Alt-N:Next Alt-P:Previous Alt-E:Edit Ctrl-P:Print
All Tables are written to a View window. There is insufficient space on the screen to display the entire table. Use the cursor control keys, Up, Down, PgUp, PgDn, Home and End to see more of these tables. Notice that the Function key bar at the foot of the screen has been replaced by a list of a few keys that have a special purpose in a View window.

    Alt-N	View the next table.
    Alt-P	View the previous table.
    Alt-E	Edit the displayed window
    Ctrl-P	Print the displayed window to a file or a printer
Continue to press Alt-N or Alt-P until you have seen the tables in turn. The Edit mode is quite useful because it allows you to customize the tables to the form and content you like before you print them (either in a file or directly to the printer). The edit keys that you can use in single spreadsheet fields can be used in an edit window. Ctrl-Backspace, for example, deletes the line the cursor is on. Note that ChemSep cannot read these windows (it only writes them) so it cannot read any changes you make. Further those changes are lost as soon as you go to another window or press Escape. Make sure you print the table (if you have made any changes to it and want to keep the changed format) before you clear the window. Several of these tables are reproduced below. Press Escape to clear the current table and return to the list of tables.

 Mass and Energy Balances
 Stream / Apparatus                  Mass (mol/s)         Energy (MW)
 Feed 1                                     1000.0             -19.280
 Top                                       -400.00             0.17969
 Bottom                                    -600.00              3.7303
 Condenser Duty                                                -10.371
 Reboiler Duty                                                  25.741
                                       ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ +       ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ +
 Balance                                   0.00000          -2.200E-05
 Component discrepancies (mol/s)
 Ethane                                 -2.977E-05
 Propane                                0.00011656
 n-Butane                               -2.517E-04
 n-Pentane                              0.00010033
Flow, Temperature and Pressure Profiles
 Stage Temperature Pressure              Flow rates (mol/s)
          (K)         (bar)      Liquid     Vapour     Feed
    1     322.89     20.000     800.00     400.00             V     400.00
    2     330.21     20.000     782.49     1200.0
    3     335.49     20.000     759.87     1182.5
    4     340.04     20.000     739.77     1159.9
    5     344.02     20.000     725.04     1139.8
    6     347.29     20.000     714.87     1125.0
    7     349.86     20.000     706.98     1114.9
    8     351.89     20.000     698.82     1107.0
    9     353.67     20.000     687.71     1098.8
   10     355.58     20.000     2255.7     1087.7     1000.0
   11     361.44     20.000     2300.8     1655.7
   12     366.23     20.000     2331.4     1700.8
   13     370.48     20.000     2356.5     1731.4
   14     374.35     20.000     2381.0     1756.5
   15     377.85     20.000     2405.7     1781.0
   16     380.93     20.000     2428.8     1805.7
   17     383.63     20.000     2447.2     1828.8
   18     386.11     20.000     2456.7     1847.2
   19     388.69     20.000     2451.9     1856.7
   20     391.92     20.000     600.00     1851.9            L      600.00
An Example of a Profile for one of the Components
 Profile for Propane
  Stage     Liquid (Ä)          Vapour (Ä)              K  (Ä)
      1        0.78474             0.71217             0.90752
      2        0.75806             0.76055              1.0033
      3        0.69122             0.74254              1.0742
      4        0.61423             0.69845              1.1371
      5        0.54367             0.64860              1.1930
      6        0.48693             0.60358              1.2396
      7        0.44479             0.56774              1.2764
      8        0.41458             0.54140              1.3059
      9        0.39249             0.52291              1.3323
     10        0.37472             0.51005              1.3612
     11        0.34774             0.50138              1.4418
     12        0.30620             0.46151              1.5072
     13        0.25793             0.40357              1.5647
     14        0.20877             0.33742              1.6162
     15        0.16285             0.27061              1.6617
     16        0.12264             0.20859              1.7009
     17       0.089123             0.15460              1.7346
     18       0.062233             0.10988              1.7656
     19       0.041251            0.074193              1.7986
     20       0.025222            0.046444              1.8414
Stream Summary Table
 Stream                         Feed 1         Top      Bottom
 Stage                              10           1          20
 Pressure (bar)                 20.000      20.000      20.000
 Vapour fraction (Ä)           0.00000      1.0000     0.00000
 Temperature (K)                298.15      322.89      391.92
 Enthalpy (J/mol)               -19280     -449.22     -6217.1
 Mole flows (mol/s)
 Ethane                         100.00      99.994   0.0056326
 Propane                        300.00      284.87      15.133
 n-Butane                       500.00      15.137      484.86
 n-Pentane                      100.00   0.0020952      99.998
 Total molar flow               1000.0      400.00      600.00
 Mole fractions (Ä)
 Ethane                        0.10000     0.24999  9.3877E-06
 Propane                       0.30000     0.71217    0.025222
 n-Butane                      0.50000    0.037842     0.80811
 n-Pentane                     0.10000  5.2380E-06     0.16666
 Mass flows (kg/s)
 Ethane                         3.0070      3.0068  0.00016937
 Propane                        13.229      12.562     0.66732
 n-Butane                       29.062     0.87979      28.182
 n-Pentane                      7.2150  0.00015117      7.2149
 Total mass flow                52.513      16.448      36.064
 Mass fractions (Ä)
 Ethane                       0.057262     0.18280  4.6963E-06
 Propane                       0.25192     0.76370    0.018504
 n-Butane                      0.55342    0.053488     0.78144
 n-Pentane                     0.13740  9.1906E-06     0.20006

Locate the cursor on the Graphs option of the Results menu and press Enter to bring up a list of graphs that can be viewed.

             ³ Liquid phase composition profiles ³
             ³ Vapour phase composition profiles ³
             ³ K-value profiles                  ³
             ³ Temperature profile               ³
             ³ Pressure profile                  ³
             ³ Flow profiles                     ³
             ³ McCabe-Thiele diagram             ³
             ³ Right triangular diagram          ³
             ³ Quaternary diagram                ³
             ³ Return                            ³
Use the cursor keys and Enter (or the highlighted letters) to bring up the various graphs. On the following pages we have reproduced a number of these graphs (the Vapour phase composition profiles, the Temperature profiles, the Flow profiles, the McCabe-Thiele diagram, and the Quaternary diagram. Note that the latter can be viewed from different angles; use the arrow keys to change the orientation of the tetrahedron. Three very important keys that may be used when a graph is displayed are:

      Escape		Clears the current graph and returns you to the above menu
      Spacebar		Clears the graph and brings up a menu (or spreadsheet) that
                        allows you to configure the graph as you like.
      Ctrl-P		Prints the graph to the predetermined output device
                        (printer or file)
The graphs can be configured in many ways. Colors, line styles, point styles and so on can all be changed. Also, the orientation of the profiles can be changed. It is possible to plot profiles with the stages used as either the horizontal axis or as the vertical axis. Our preference is to plot the stages on the vertical axis but you may make your own choice in the Interface item of the Options menu and save it in the configuration file so that all profiles appear with the same orientation every time (at least until you change the orientation). Bring up one of these graphs, press the Spacebar, and change something. Press Escape to redraw the graph.

Spreadsheet Files

As a service to our users that would like to use the results of a ChemSep simulation in a spreadsheet program such as Lotus Development Corporation's Lotus 123 or Borland International's Quattro (Pro) ChemSep can print a file that can be imported into these programs. The spreadsheet file created by ChemSep is a simple text file so it could be loaded into any text editor if you so desire. It does not use any special spreadsheet file format. To exercise this option go to the Spreadsheet option of the Results menu and Press Enter. A prompt box will invite you to provide a name for the file. Type in the name you would like (including any drive and directory names if you wish) and press Enter.


Just to make sure that you have been paying attention we have devised this exercise to see how much you remember about ChemSep. The feed to our depropanzer and the separation we desire is given below:

       Component       Feed Flow (mol/s)    Top     Bottom
       ethane               100             100       -
       propane              300             285       15
       n-butane             500              25      475
       n-pentane            100              -       100
Although our column comes close to making this separation, we are not quite there. You are asked to use ChemSep to come up with a column design that does meet the desired separation. You can change any and all of the following:

        The number of theoretical stages
        The location of the feed stage
        The reflux ratio
        The bottoms flow rate
        The column pressure
Don't make the pressure so low that the top product temperature falls below 25 Celcius. Use the Input menu to make changes. Until you are an expert, however, we suggest that you do not change more than one thing at a time. For each change you make to the column configuration you will have to exercise the Solve option of the Input menu. Look at the results (the stream summary table will be particularly helpful as will the McCabe-Thiele diagram) and compare them to the desired results above. Note that you will not be able to match all the desired results exactly. Look for a column design that gives at least the desired amounts of propane in the top product and of n-butane in the bottom product. Be prepared to spend a little time on this exercise. Remember, this program is performing real engineering calculations and they are not done instantly, even on a fast computer.

ChemSep User's Guide

Chapter 11. Example 3. Extractive Distillation of Methanol and Ethanol

For certain types of hard-to-separate mixtures the process of Extractive Distillation can be used. In extractive distillation we add a third component to the system, the solvent, that changes the relative volatility of the components we wish to separate. Here we illustrate the use of ChemSep with an extractive distillation of a mixture of methanol and ethanol. Our objectives in sharing this example with you are as follows:

The column has 76 stages including a total condenser (stage 1). The feed containing methanol and ethanol (together with a certain amount of water) is fed to stage 24 (counting from the top). The solvent, water, is fed in a large excess to stage 12. This column has no reboiler and the energy requirements for the column are supplied by injecting live saturated steam at the base of the column. There is a liquid sidestream withdrawn from stage 71. The ChemSep input summary is reproduced below for convenience. Thermodynamic data (the interaction parameters) comes from Computer Calculations for Multicomponent Vapor-Liquid and Liquid-Liquid Equilibria by J. Prausnitz, T. Anderson, E. Grens, C. Eckert, R. Hsieh, and J. O'Connell (Prentice-Hall, 1980).

  Complex Column
  Total (Liquid product) Condenser
  76 Stages
  Feeds to stages 12,24,76
  SideStreams from stages 71
  DECHEMA K model
  Q' UNIQUAC model
  Antoine Vapour pressure
  Excess Enthalpy
  Thermo data (K):
      i      j          Aij          Aji  Component Component
      1      2       660.19      -292.39  Methanol Ethanol
      1      3       -50.82       148.27  Methanol Water
      2      3       -64.56       380.68  Ethanol Water
  Column pressure
   Condenser pressure 1.0000 (atm)
   Top pressure 1.0000 (atm)
  Default efficiency = 1.0000 (Ä)
  Feed                              1          2          3
   Stage                           12         24         76
   Pressure (atm)              1.0000     1.0000     1.0000
   Vapour fraction (Ä)        0.00000    0.00000     1.0000
   Temperature (K)
   Component flows (mol/h)
   Methanol                   0.00000     16.000    0.00000
   Ethanol                    0.00000     16.000    0.00000
   Water                       3220.0     68.000     650.00
   Reflux ratio = 32.000 (Ä)
  SideStream                        1
   Stage                           71
   Phase                       Liquid
   Flow (mol/h)                224.00
   Flow ratio (Ä)
Load the file METH-ETH.SEP from disk. Use the cursor control keys to go the Input menu. Press C to bring up the list of Selected components:

 ChemSep 2.00
      File          Input          Results        Options          Quit
 C:METH-ETH.SEP 19 iterations
              ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿                              ÚÄ< Components >Ä¿
              ³ Components     ³                              ³ Methanol       ³
              ³ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³                              ³ Ethanol        ³
              ³³ Select      ³ ³                              ³ Water          ³
              ³³ Delete      ³ ³                              ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ
              ³³ Substitute  ³ ³
              À³ Reorder     ³ÄÙ
               ³ Save set    ³
               ³ Load set    ³
               ³ Return      ³
 F1:Help F2:Last help F3:Load F4:Save F5:Units F6:Options F9:Info F10:Main menu
The box in the upper right hand corner lists the components that have already been selected. Adding (or removing) components from the list in the top right is fully described in the Components section of this User's Guide. We used Select by Name to load the three components in this problem. Remember to use the Escape key if you think you find yourself stuck somewhere in the interface. Now accept the Return option in the Components menu. This will send you back one menu level and place the cursor on the next item in that menu. Press Enter to bring up the Operation menu:

           ³ Flash                 ³
           ³ Column                ³
           ³ Return                ³
The cursor should be on Column. Press Enter (or press C) to bring up the Operation spreadsheet:

        ³ Operation         Complex Column              ³
        ³ Condenser         Total (Liquid product)      ³
        ³ Reboiler          None (Liquid product)       ³
        ³ Stages            76                          ³
        ³ Feed stages       12,24,76                    ³
        ³ Sidestream stages 71                          ³
        ³                   Return                      ³
The Operation spreadsheet summarizes the column configuration. Here, we have specified a Complex Column since there are multiple feeds, a sidestream and the column has no reboiler. Note the three Feed stages are listed in the appropriate field and the Sidestream from stage 71. Compare the information in this window to that listed in the summary specification given above. Move the cursor to the Return field and press Enter. This action will return you to the Input menu with the cursor located on the Properties option. Press Enter to display the following menu:

            ³ Equilibrium models  ³
            ³ Enthalpy            ³
            ³ Load data           ³
            ³ Return              ³
Locate the cursor on the Equilibrium Models option (it should be there) and press Enter (or press E) to obtain the K-models menu:

            ³ K model              ³
            ³ Raoult's law         ³
            ³ EOS                  ³
            ³ Gamma-Phi            ³
            ³ DECHEMA              ³
            ³ Chao-Seader          ³
            ³ Polynomial           ³
            ³ Return               ³
For nonideal systems like the methanol-ethanol-water mixture, the most appropriate K-value models are Gamma-Phi or DECHEMA. In this case we selected the DECHEMA model. Locate the cursor on DECHEMA and press Enter to bring up the Activity Coefficient menu

              ³ Activity coefficient ³
              ³ Ideal                ³
              ³ Regular              ³
              ³ Wilson               ³
              ³ NRTL                 ³
              ³ UNIQUAC              ³
              ³ UNIFAC               ³
Each of the items in this menu is a method for estimating activity coefficients for multicomponent liquid mixtures. The Ideal and Regular Solution models should not be used for this system. Three of these models (Wilson, NRTL and UNIQUAC) require interaction parameters so you must have them available before you continue (they are listed in the summary above). In this case we had UNIQUAC parameters available. Press U to select the UNIQUAC model. This brings up the UNIQUAC menu:

              ³ UNIQUAC model        ³
              ³ Original             ³
              ³ Q'                   ³
There are several versions of the UNIQUAC model that are used. Two of the most commonly used forms are listed here. q and q' are parameters in the UNIQUAC model. These parameters are available in ChemSep's databanks so you won't have to find their values. However, we do need to know which of these two options to select. The book by Prausnitz et al. cited above from which we obtained our interaction parameters uses the q' form of UNIQUAC. Therefore, we select the q' option. Selection of the UNIQUAC model brings up the Vapour Pressure menu:

              ³ Vapour pressure      ³
              ³ Antoine              ³
              ³ Extended Antoine     ³
              ³ DIPPR                ³
              ³ Lee Kesler           ³
              ³ Riedel               ³
We selected the Antoine option for this example since the parameters for this model are in ChemSep's databanks. Strictly speaking, however, we should have selected the Extended Antoine equation since that is the model used by Prausnitz et al. We would then have to enter all the parameters for that equation and, being somewhat lazy as well as in a hurry to write this document, we elected not to do this. The results we obtain do not differ qualitatively from the results obtained with a completely consistent thermodynamic model and set of parameters so our present purpose (of demonstrating ChemSep) is well enough served by our choices. Press A to accept the Antoine option. This should bring you back to the Properties menu with the cursor on Enthalpy. Press Enter to see the list of enthalpy models:

         ³ Enthalpy     ³
         ³ None         ³
         ³ Ideal        ³
         ³ Excess       ³
         ³ Polynomial   ³
         ³ User defined ³
We selected Excess. Refer to the discussion of Enthalpy model selection in the depropanizer example for our reasons for this choice. With the cursor on Excess press Enter (or press E) to accept the enthalpy model and return to the properties menu. Now go to the Load data option (the cursor should be there) and press Enter. This brings up a menu that lists the models for which you must enter parameters.

            ³ Load data for:       ³
            ³ Activity coefficient ³
            ³ Return               ³
In this case there is only one type of model in this list, the Activity coefficient. Press Enter to bring up a spreadsheet where you can enter the necessary data:

³ Activity coefficient: UNIQUAC (K)                        ³
³ Component i       Component j        Aij      Aji        ³
³ Methanol          Ethanol            660.190  -292.390   ³
³ Methanol          Water              -50.8200 148.270    ³
³ Ethanol           Water              -64.5600 380.680    ³
³ Reset             Library            Return              ³
Notice that this window identifies the model selected earlier (UNIQUAC). The Units of the parameters are shown between () after the model name. (K) means the parameters have the units of Kelvin. The numerical values of the parameters are shown in the appropriate spreadsheet fields. Check that these parameters correspond to those given in the problem summary above. Use the cursor control keys to go to the Return field and press Enter. This will bring us to the Specifications menu:

            ³ Analysis        ³
            ³ Pressures       ³
            ³ Heaters/Coolers ³
            ³ Efficiencies    ³
            ³ Feeds           ³
            ³ Condenser       ³
            ³ Sidestreams     ³
            ³ Return          ³
You should compare this menu with the corresponding one for the depropanizer. Since this column has no reboiler, the Reboiler menu item does not appear. Instead we have a new item, Sidestreams. Use the cursor control keys and F1 (Help) to explore each of these items. The Analysis window looks like this:

³  CHEMSEP requires the following to be specified:                             ³
³   - The number of stages (1)                                                 ³
³   - The location of all feeds (2)                                            ³
³   - The location of all sidestreams (1)                                      ³
³   - For each feed stream you must specify                                    ³
³       the component flows (3) and                                            ³
³       two of the temperature, pressure and vapor fraction (2)                ³
³   - The pressure in each stage (75)                                          ³
³   - The heat duty on each stage except reboilers and condensers (75),        ³
³     the heat duty will be assumed to be zero unless specified differently    ³
³   - The pressure in the condenser (1)                                        ³
³   - For the condenser you must select one variable to specify (1)            ³
³                                                                              ³
³  Therefore, the total number of degrees of freedom is 172.                   ³
³                                                                              ³
³  Press  to continue,  for explanation                            ³
³                                                                              ³
Press F1 to find out how the number of degrees of freedom has been calculated. The Pressure spreadsheet looks like this:

³ Pressures (atm)                             ³
³ Condenser pressure  1.00000                 ³
³ Column pressure     Constant pressure       ³
³ Top pressure        1.00000                 ³
³ Pressure Drop                               ³
³ Bottom pressure                             ³
³                     Return                  ³
The second line in this window indicates the method of calculating the pressure profile in the column. Locate the cursor on line two and press Enter to bring up a list of options. The choice you make here determines how many fields in the Pressure spreadsheet need to be filled in. The Heaters/Coolers and Efficiencies spreadsheets look exactly the same as they do in the Depropanizer case study and we will not reproduce the screen images here. The Feed spreadsheet looks like this.

³ Feed                 1          2          3           ³
³ Feed stage           12         24         76          ³
³ State:               P & V      P & V      P & V       ³
³  Pressure (atm)      1.00000    1.00000    1.00000     ³
³  Vapour fraction (Ä) 0.00000    0.00000    1.00000     ³
³  Temperature (K)                                       ³
³ Flowrates (mol/h)                                      ³
³ Methanol             0.00000    16.0000    0.00000     ³
³ Ethanol              0.00000    16.0000    0.00000     ³
³ Water                3220.00    68.0000    650.002     ³
³ Total flowrate       3220.00    100.000    650.002     ³
³ Insert    Delete     Return                            ³
Use the cursor control keys and Enter to explore this spreadsheet. Notice that fields for all three feeds are available in this spreadsheet. Feed number 1 is the water (solvent) feed to stage 12. Feed number 2 is the methanol-ethanol feed to stage 24. Both these feeds are specified as saturated liquids. Hence the pressure and vapour fraction of these feeds has been specified, with the vapour fraction set to zero. Feed number 3 is the live steam injected into the foot of the column. The vapour fraction of this feed is 1 since this feed is, at it must be, a vapour. With the cursor on Condenser press Enter to see the Top product/condenser specification spreadsheet:

³ Top product / condenser                     Reflux ratio                     ³
³ Reflux ratio (Ä)                            32.000                           ³
³ Heat duty of condenser (J/s)                                                 ³
³ Temperature of condensate ( C)                                               ³
³ Distillate flow rate (mol/s)                                                 ³
³ Reflux flow rate (mol/s)                                                     ³
³ Component flow (mol/s)                                                       ³
³ Mole fraction of a component (Ä)                                             ³
³ Component recovery (Ä)                                                       ³
³ Fraction of combined feeds recovered (Ä)                                     ³
³ Split between two components (Ä)                                             ³
³                                             Return                           ³
The Sidestreams spreadsheet looks like this:

       ³ Sidestream        1           ³
       ³ Stage             71          ³
       ³ Phase             Liquid      ³
       ³ Specification     Total flow  ³
       ³ Flow (mol/h)      224.000     ³
       ³ Flow ratio                    ³
       ³ Insert   Delete   Return      ³
This spreadsheet identifies the stage from which the sidestream is withdrawn, the phase of the sidestream, whether the total flow or flow ratio is specified, and the numerical value of the specification (a flow in this case). Place the cursor on the Return field and press Enter to return to the Input menu. The cursor will be located on the Solve item and that is the only thing left for us to do. Press Enter to initiate the solution procedure. After the program loads the screen will look something like this:

 ChemSep 2.00
      File          Input          Results        Options          Quit
 C:METH-ETH.SEP 19 iterations
              ³ Components     ³
              ³ Operation      ³
         ³                                                           ³
         ³                                                           ³
         ³ ChemSep / Column Version 2.0A                             ³
         ³ Copyright(c) H.Kooijman, A.Haket,R.Taylor, 1989-91        ³
         ³                                                           ³
         ³ Checking data file C:\CS2\METH-ETH.SEP                    ³
         ³ Reading column configuration                              ³
         ³ Reading pure component property libraries                 ³
         ³ Reading thermodynamic property options and data           ³
         ³                                                           ³
         ³                                                           ³
 F1:Help F2:Last help F3:Load F4:Save F5:Units F6:Options F9:Info F10:Main menu
Later on, when the simulation program is doing calculations (rather than reading the input files and databanks) the screen should look something like this:

 ChemSep 2.00
      File          Input          Results        Options          Quit
 C:METH-ETH.SEP 19 iterations
              ³ Components     ³
              ³ Operation      ³
         ³                                                           ³
         ³                                                           ³
         ³          0                   8.5437E+01                   ³
         ³          1                   7.4710E+03                   ³
         ³          2                   7.9108E+03                   ³
         ³          3                   1.0654E+04                   ³
         ³          4                   2.2384E+04                   ³
         ³          5                   1.4985E+04                   ³
         ³          6                   1.8913E+04                   ³
         ³                                                           ³
         ³                                                           ³
 F1:Help F2:Last help F3:Load F4:Save F5:Units F6:Options F9:Info F10:Main menu
Notice that in this example the Sum of Squares (the number in E-format) in the window above is increasing for several iterations. Then it goes down and back up before converging after 19 iterations. This particular problem is quite a bit more difficult for ChemSep to solve than is the depropanizer. Several years ago we used this problem to test several commercially available simulation programs. It was interesting (but not altogether surprising) to find that some of them could not find a converged solution and one that did find it took a very long time indeed. When the calculations are complete, the program will inform you of this fact, the interface reloads the input data together with the results and jumps to the Results menu. Review the profiles in order to explain to yourself exactly what this column is doing. Below we have reproduced a selection of Tables and Graphs.

 Mass and Energy Balances
 Stream / Apparatus                  Mass (mol/h)        Energy (J/s)
 Feed 1                                     3220.0              -34211
 Feed 2                                     100.00             -1045.8
 Feed 3                                     650.00              460.59
 Top                                       -20.727              204.85
 Bottom                                    -3725.3               39593
 Side draw 1                               -224.00              2387.0
 Condenser Duty                                                -7388.2
                                       ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ +       ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ +
 Balance                                -0.0065484            0.053223
 Component discrepancies (mol/h)
 Methanol                               1.0212E-05
 Ethanol                                7.2669E-06
 Water                                  -0.0047597
Flow, Temperature and Pressure Profiles
 Stage Temperature Pressure              Flow rates (mol/h)
          (K)         (kPa)      Liquid     Vapour     Feed
    1     349.77     101.32     663.25     20.727            L      20.727
    2     350.37     101.32     661.57     683.98
    3     350.75     101.32     660.35     682.30
    4     351.00     101.32     659.37     681.08
    5     351.17     101.32     658.46     680.09
    6     351.30     101.32     657.50     679.19
    7     351.42     101.32     656.33     678.23
    8     351.58     101.32     654.70     677.06
    9     351.87     101.32     652.02     675.42
   10     352.54     101.32     646.19     672.75
   11     354.98     101.32     630.54     666.91
   12     364.43     101.32     3813.4     651.27     3220.0
   13     364.49     101.32     3813.9     614.09
   14     364.56     101.32     3814.6     614.65
   15     364.64     101.32     3815.3     615.30
   16     364.72     101.32     3816.1     616.02
   17     364.79     101.32     3817.0     616.83
   18     364.86     101.32     3817.9     617.70
   19     364.89     101.32     3818.8     618.60
   20     364.89     101.32     3819.6     619.49
   21     364.81     101.32     3820.3     620.33
   22     364.62     101.32     3820.9     621.05
   23     364.24     101.32     3821.2     621.59
   24     363.55     101.32     3919.2     621.90     100.00
   25     363.63     101.32     3920.1     619.93
   26     363.73     101.32     3921.1     620.84
   27     363.83     101.32     3922.2     621.85
   28     363.95     101.32     3923.4     622.95
   29     364.08     101.32     3924.6     624.13
   30     364.21     101.32     3925.9     625.37
   31     364.34     101.32     3927.2     626.63
   32     364.47     101.32     3928.4     627.89
   33     364.60     101.32     3929.5     629.12
   34     364.71     101.32     3930.6     630.28
   35     364.82     101.32     3931.6     631.36
   36     364.92     101.32     3932.5     632.34
   37     365.00     101.32     3933.2     633.20
   38     365.07     101.32     3933.9     633.95
   39     365.13     101.32     3934.4     634.60
   40     365.18     101.32     3934.9     635.14
   41     365.23     101.32     3935.2     635.59
   42     365.26     101.32     3935.6     635.97
   43     365.29     101.32     3935.8     636.27
   44     365.31     101.32     3936.0     636.52
   45     365.33     101.32     3936.1     636.72
   46     365.34     101.32     3936.3     636.88
   47     365.36     101.32     3936.4     637.01
   48     365.36     101.32     3936.5     637.11
   49     365.37     101.32     3936.5     637.19
   50     365.38     101.32     3936.6     637.25
   51     365.38     101.32     3936.6     637.31
   52     365.39     101.32     3936.6     637.35
   53     365.39     101.32     3936.7     637.38
   54     365.39     101.32     3936.7     637.41
   55     365.40     101.32     3936.7     637.43
   56     365.40     101.32     3936.7     637.44
   57     365.41     101.32     3936.7     637.46
   58     365.41     101.32     3936.7     637.47
   59     365.42     101.32     3936.7     637.48
   60     365.44     101.32     3936.8     637.48
   61     365.46     101.32     3936.8     637.50
   62     365.49     101.32     3936.8     637.51
   63     365.55     101.32     3936.8     637.52
   64     365.62     101.32     3936.9     637.54
   65     365.74     101.32     3936.9     637.57
   66     365.92     101.32     3937.0     637.62
   67     366.18     101.32     3937.1     637.71
   68     366.55     101.32     3937.4     637.86
   69     367.06     101.32     3937.9     638.14
   70     367.74     101.32     3938.7     638.64
   71     368.59     101.32     3716.0     639.46            L      224.00
   72     369.57     101.32     3717.8     640.76
   73     370.54     101.32     3719.8     642.48
   74     371.42     101.32     3721.8     644.49
   75     372.15     101.32     3723.7     646.55
   76     372.73     101.32     3725.3     648.44     650.00 L      3725.3
 Profile for Ethanol
  Stage     Liquid (Ä)          Vapour (Ä)              K  (Ä)
      1        0.77194             0.72809             0.94319
      2        0.79762             0.77194             0.96780
      3        0.80944             0.79684             0.98444
      4        0.81116             0.80829             0.99646
      5        0.80486             0.80997              1.0064
      6        0.79096             0.80385              1.0163
      7        0.76814             0.79038              1.0289
      8        0.73222             0.76826              1.0492
      9        0.67265             0.73344              1.0904
     10        0.55846             0.67571              1.2099
     11        0.27855             0.56509              2.0287
     12       0.042128             0.29426              6.9847
     13       0.040948             0.28766              7.0251
     14       0.039618             0.28012              7.0705
     15       0.038147             0.27162              7.1202
     16       0.036562             0.26223              7.1723
     17       0.034904             0.25214              7.2237
     18       0.033234             0.24159              7.2693
     19       0.031632             0.23098              7.3021
     20       0.030201             0.22082              7.3117
     21       0.029072             0.21175              7.2836
     22       0.028430             0.20460              7.1966
     23       0.028577             0.20049              7.0160
     24       0.030143             0.20131              6.6786
     25       0.028298             0.19056              6.7341
     26       0.026290             0.17868              6.7965
     27       0.024146             0.16577              6.8654
     28       0.021906             0.15202              6.9400
     29       0.019619             0.13770              7.0190
     30       0.017340             0.12312              7.1005
     31       0.015125             0.10864              7.1826
     32       0.013024            0.094597              7.2631
     33       0.011080            0.081327              7.3401
     34      0.0093202            0.069079              7.4117
     35      0.0077604            0.058024              7.4769
     36      0.0064037            0.048251              7.5349
     37      0.0052428            0.039769              7.5855
     38      0.0042637            0.032527              7.6290
     39      0.0034478            0.026430              7.6657
     40      0.0027750            0.021358              7.6963
     41      0.0022249            0.017180              7.7216
     42      0.0017781            0.013767              7.7422
     43      0.0014174            0.010998              7.7591
     44      0.0011275           0.0087640              7.7726
     45     0.00089544           0.0069697              7.7836
     46     0.00071015           0.0055338              7.7923
     47     0.00056260           0.0043879              7.7993
     48     0.00044531           0.0034756              7.8050
     49     0.00035222           0.0027507              7.8094
     50     0.00027843           0.0021754              7.8130
     51     0.00021999           0.0017194              7.8160
     52     0.00017374           0.0013584              7.8184
     53     0.00013716           0.0010727              7.8205
     54     0.00010825          0.00084674              7.8224
     55     8.5390E-05          0.00066812              7.8243
     56     6.7330E-05          0.00052695              7.8264
     57     5.3061E-05          0.00041541              7.8290
     58     4.1785E-05          0.00032728              7.8325
     59     3.2874E-05          0.00025764              7.8375
     60     2.5827E-05          0.00020261              7.8448
     61     2.0252E-05          0.00015909              7.8558
     62     1.5835E-05          0.00012466              7.8725
     63     1.2330E-05          9.7381E-05              7.8980
     64     9.5429E-06          7.5738E-05              7.9366
     65     7.3202E-06          5.8525E-05              7.9949
     66     5.5425E-06          4.4798E-05              8.0825
     67     4.1181E-06          3.3818E-05              8.2120
     68     2.9785E-06          2.5018E-05              8.3997
     69     2.0750E-06          1.7978E-05              8.6639
     70     1.3741E-06          1.2395E-05              9.0204
     71     8.5116E-07          8.0647E-06              9.4749
     72     4.8289E-07          4.8355E-06              10.014
     73     2.5496E-07          2.6939E-06              10.566
     74     1.2375E-07          1.3714E-06              11.082
     75     5.3149E-08          6.1255E-07              11.525
     76     1.7320E-08          2.0571E-07              11.877
Stream Summary Table
 Stream                         Feed 1      Feed 2      Feed 3         Top
 Stage                              12          24          76           1
 Pressure (kPa)                 101.32      101.32      101.32      101.32
 Vapour fraction (Ä)           0.00000     0.00000      1.0000     0.00000
 Temperature (K)                373.15      351.98      373.15      349.77
 Enthalpy (J/mol)               -38248      -37650      2550.9      -35581
 Mole flows (mol/h)
 Methanol                      0.00000      16.000     0.00000      2.2311
 Ethanol                       0.00000      16.000     0.00000      16.000
 Water                          3220.0      68.000      650.00      2.4959
 Total molar flow               3220.0      100.00      650.00      20.727
 Mole fractions (Ä)
 Methanol                      0.00000     0.16000     0.00000     0.10764
 Ethanol                       0.00000     0.16000     0.00000     0.77194
 Water                          1.0000     0.68000      1.0000     0.12042
 Mass flows (kg/h)
 Methanol                      0.00000     0.51268     0.00000    0.071488
 Ethanol                       0.00000     0.73710     0.00000     0.73709
 Water                          58.009      1.2250      11.710    0.044964
 Total mass flow                58.009      2.4748      11.710     0.85354
 Mass fractions (Ä)
 Methanol                      0.00000     0.20716     0.00000    0.083754
 Ethanol                       0.00000     0.29784     0.00000     0.86357
 Water                          1.0000     0.49500      1.0000    0.052679
 Stream                         Bottom  Side draw
 Stage                              76          71
 Pressure (kPa)                 101.32      101.32
 Vapour fraction (Ä)           0.00000     0.00000
 Temperature (K)                372.73      368.59
 Enthalpy (J/mol)               -38261      -38362
 Mole flows (mol/h)
 Methanol                       7.9444      5.8246
 Ethanol                    6.4523E-05  0.00019066
 Water                          3717.3      218.18
 Total molar flow               3725.3      224.00
 Mole fractions (Ä)
 Methanol                    0.0021326    0.026003
 Ethanol                    1.7320E-08  8.5116E-07
 Water                         0.99787     0.97400
 Mass flows (kg/h)
 Methanol                      0.25456     0.18663
 Ethanol                    2.9725E-06  8.7835E-06
 Water                          66.969      3.9305
 Total mass flow                67.223      4.1171
 Mass fractions (Ä)
 Methanol                    0.0037867    0.045330
 Ethanol                    4.4218E-08  2.1334E-06
 Water                         0.99621     0.95467
ChemSep User's Guide